Varnish Helm Chart


ClusterIP is the most common type of Kubernetes service. ClusterIP creates a stable IP address that can be accessed from within the cluster. This IP address is routed through the Kubernetes service mesh to any Pods matching the given selector (in this case, to Varnish Enterprise Pods).

Basic configuration

To access Varnish Enterprise using ClusterIP, set service.type to ClusterIP:

  # ...previous configurations

    enabled: true
    type: "ClusterIP"

Configuring a headless service

ClusterIP can be configured to not create an IP address, thus not utilizing the Kubernetes service mesh. Instead, the internal DNS of the service will return the IP address of Pods matching selectors directly. This type of deployment, called Headless Service, can be configured by setting server.service.clusterIP to the literal string “None”.

  # ...previous configurations

    enabled: true
    type: "ClusterIP"
    clusterIP: "None"