Varnish Cloud


Varnish Cache (VC) and Varnish Enterprise (VE), categorized as reverse proxy and HTTP/web accelerator, are stand-alone products. They can operate independently without any controller/monitoring node like Varnish Controller or Varnish Custom Statistics. Customers must supply their own version of the Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) file to utilize the capabilities of VC and VE.

Varnish Custom Statistics (VCS) produces real-time aggregated statistics from a group of caching servers. The statistics produced are grouped according to VCL-defined keys and presented in time series. vstatdprobe is only pre-installed in VE.

Here’s a list of Varnish-supported cloud providers:

Choose your preferred cloud provider under the Getting Started menu on the left for a guide to getting your Varnish Cloud instance up and running.