
Varnish Controller 5.2.1 Release

Published June 13, 2023.

This is a patch release for Varnish Controller with the following fixes:

  • All components built with Go 1.20.5
  • Bug fix where organization user with only read access to agents/routers could assign/remove tags. Now write access to agent/routers is required to assign/remove tags.
  • Bug fix for deleting a domain that is in use, the API previously returned status code 503 Internal Server Error, now it will return 403 Bad Request.
  • Improved performance when using API filters.
  • Router health probes and invalidations now supports IPv6.
  • Updated default VCL templates:
    • Default Root VCL file (shared deployments) now responds 404 Not Found for requests towards a domain that is not deployed on the Varnish server.
    • Default temporary VCL that is used when nothing is deployed, now responds 404 Not Found to all requests.
    • These VCL templates can be customized, see Agent - Default VCL and Agent - Default Root VCL
  • UI: Fixed a table bug when there was multiple pages and deleting a resource would redirect to first page.
  • UI: Improvements to table column filter.
  • UI: Fixed a bug when filtering on Varnish State Unknown wouldn’t work.

See Varnish Controller Changelog for more details on the changes and the upgrade notes for more details on how to upgrade.

This update is recommended for all users.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203