
Varnish Controller 6.4.0 Release

Published September 17, 2024.

Note: All components needs to be upgraded for this release, see versioning.

  • Built with Go 1.23.1.
  • NATS-server updated to v2.10.20.
  • Shared deployments now have 2 new headers added to the request to see which VCLGroup name and Agent name the request came from.
    • X-Agent-Name
    • X-VCLGroup-Name
  • The agents now supports to gather statistics per domain. This has to be enabled manually and it will increase the size of the statistics depending on number of domains deployed.
    • Enabled via -domain-stats
  • Changes to statistics sampling in the agents
    • A new flag (-stats-filter) has been introduced to the agents, used to configure statistics with one flag, supporting wildcards.
    • The new -stats-filter will now supersede the vclgroup-stats-filter, agent-stats-filter and accounting-stats-filter (which will be deprecated in the next major release).
    • The new filter also supports filtering out accounting keys.
    • The root VCL has been updated to support domain statistics.
  • BaseURL for agents and external routes in the router is now stripped from the trailing / to avoid getting location set with double slashes (//).
  • Fixes a migration bug where file labels where reset during upgrade from a version prior to 5.3.0.
  • Fixes a bug where file state where not updated correctly, causing VCLGroup deployment with --wait time out when no changes to a file had been made.
  • Fixes a bug in UI CDN map when changing default data.

See Varnish Controller Changelog for more details on the changes and the upgrade notes for more details on how to upgrade.

This update is recommended for all users.