
Container images updated to Debian bookworm Announcement

Published March 11, 2025.

The latest versions of our container images are now based on Debian bookworm and continues to be updated daily with the latest OS updates.

Affected container images:


Please note that it is only the latest version of each image and tag and (:latest) that are updated daily.

This means that if you want to run a non-latest version of Varnish, the base OS will not be kept up to date automatically. In order to keep the base OS up to date it is necessary to build the image locally like this:

A simple example Dockerfile:

# Switch to root user so we can update the image
user root
# Update the image
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade
# Switch back to varnish user as default
user Varnish

Build and update image:

docker build -t my-varnish .

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203