
Varnish Controller 5.1.2 Release

Published March 22, 2023.

This is a patch release for Varnish Controller with the following fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the Request Router where random was redirected to an unhealthy endpoint.
  • Improved database indexes for faster queries.
  • Headers set for health probes in the Routing Rules are now sent in the same casing as configured.
  • Build with Go 1.20.2.
  • vcli file now has -label support.
  • Error log level when MMDB CSV file is not configured has been lowered to Info.
  • Include gRPC Health and Routing Health information in router debug and system debug information.
  • Fixed an error in Invalidations where you couldn’t add new headers to existing invalidation.
  • Fixed a bug when having multiple includes with same name when creating/editing VCLGroups.
  • Fixed a bug involving renaming files in editor.

See Varnish Controller Changelog for more details on the changes and the upgrade notes for more details on how to upgrade.

Take a look at the Varnish Controller Deprecation page to prepare for upcoming major changes.

This update is recommended for all users.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203