Varnish Cloud

Google Cloud

Varnish Cloud is available on the Google Cloud Platform as a single virtual machine (VM), pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solution. Each VM image contains the latest version of the Varnish Software products, optimized for use within the Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine.

There are two products and four types of VM images accessible:

  • Varnish Enterprise 6 (Red Hat)
  • Varnish Enterprise 6 (Ubuntu)
  • Varnish Custom Statistics (Red Hat)
  • Varnish Custom Statistics (Ubuntu)

Installing the Varnish Software VM

  1. Find the Varnish Software Inc. page in the GCP Marketplace, select a product, and click “Launch”.

If you’re not in a project, you’ll be asked to Select or Create a project. If you haven’t registered your billing info, you’ll be asked to Enable free trial.

  1. The GCP Marketplace preview window will open to deploy the solution. Specify Deployment name, Zone, Machine type, Boot disk, Networking, External IP and IP forwarding.

Note: In the Firewall section, we recommended that you leave the suggested TCP port traffic checkboxes to allow the solution to work properly with default configurations. For more info on controlling incoming traffic, click the gray HELP button, which takes you to the firewalls page in the Google Cloud documentation.

  1. Click “Deploy”. The GCP Marketplace confirms that the selected Varnish Software product was deployed. As soon as the new VM launches, the main component of each product starts automatically and serves a default configuration. There’s a small snippet in the “Suggested next steps” section for each product to help you discover what more you can do with your instance.

  2. To verify that VE6 is working, point your web browser to the public Site address and a welcome page is shown. To test if VCS is working properly, point a web browser to access the public Site address and the default VCS port (6555), and view the displayed page.

General configuration

The configuration files are located in different places based on what kind of instances you’re running; Varnish Enterprise (VE6) or Varnish Custom Statistics (VCS).

This section covers basic configuration. For more details and advanced configuration possibilities, check out these links:

Varnish Enterprise and Varnish Cache

VE6 is the enterprise version of Varnish Cache. Apart from ease-of-use improvements and performance enhancements, VE6 provides additional functionality such as Varnish Massive Storage Engine (MSE), Varnish High Availability (VHA), and SSL/TLS backend support. Customers can enable frontend SSL/TLS by using Varnish Plus Add-on SSL (Hitch), which is included with the image.

The varnishd process should be running on TCP 80 and 8443 and Hitch on port 443. The default VCL configuration is found here: /etc/varnish/default.vcl.

Parameter tuning

The pre-configured settings in your Varnish instance suit most Varnish users, but we advise you to have a look and update the configuration according to your needs.

Our documentation site has a reference section with the available runtime options. This will help you to properly configure your Varnish process.

To look at system parameters, run this command:

sudo systemctl cat varnish.service

To change the runtime options, input the following command on your Varnish instance to override the default values:

sudo systemctl edit varnish.service

Edit and save the file. Now restart Varnish by running the following command:

sudo systemctl restart varnish.service

Note: You can do the same for hitch.service.

Varnish Custom Statistics

VCS should run out of the box without any additional effort. Point a web browser to the public DNS name and the default TCP port and view the page.

Configurations can be found inside these files:

Red Hat 7: /etc/varnish/vstatd.params

Ubuntu: /etc/default/vstatd

Get help

If you encounter any problems with configuring our products, online user documentation is available here.

Customers who purchase VE or VCS VM images on the Google Cloud Platform are eligible for Varnish Cloud support and software updates provided by the Varnish Software engineering team. To contact support, submit the Varnish Cloud Support Activation form.

What’s next?

See the After Configuration section for more info about what you can do with Varnish Cloud products.