Varnish Helm Chart

Resource Types

Helm Chart for Varnish Controller deploys the following resource types:

  • ConfigMap for MSE configuration, VCL configuration, and TLS configuration.
  • Deployment for Varnish Controller API-GW, Brainz, and UI.
  • HorizontalPodAutoscaler when one of the following is set to true:
    • apigw.autoscaling.enabled (default: false)
    • brainz.autoscaling.enabled (default: false)
    • ui.autoscaling.enabled (default: false)
  • Ingress when ui.ingress.enabled is true (default: false).
  • Secret for storing credentials for Varnish Controller, NATS, and PostgreSQL.
  • ServiceAccount when serviceAccount.create is true (default: true).
  • Service when one of the following is set to true:
    • apigw.service.enabled (default: true)
    • brainz.service.enabled (default: true)
    • ui.service.enabled (default: true)

When nats.enabled is true, internal NATS deploys the following resource types by default:

When postgresql.enabled is true, internal PostgreSQL deploys the following resource types by default:

PersistentVolumeClaim and PersistentVolume are also created as part of StatefulSet.