Varnish Enterprise

Introduction Installation Upgrading Troubleshooting Changelog Changelog for 6.0.x Changes (Varnish Cache 4.1) Changes (Varnish Cache Plus 4.1) Known Issues Features Backend SSL/TLS Client SSL/TLS termination Cluster In-Process TLS MSE 4 Basic Configuration / Getting Started Configuration Persisted caching Categories Configuration Reference MSE 3.0 Settings mkfs.mse Memory Governor MSE 2.0 NUMA Parallel ESI Backend health counter HTTP/2 Support JSON Logging TCP Only Probes Timeouts Transit Buffer Varnish scoreboard VMODs Accept Accounting ACL (aclplus) ActiveDNS Akamai Connector ASN Module AWS VCL Body Access & Transformation (xbody) Brotli Cookie Plus (cookieplus) DeviceAtlas DeviceAtlas3 Digest Dynamic backends (goto) Edgestash File Format Geolocation (geoip/mmdb) Header Manipulation (headerplus) HTTP communication (http) Image JSON parsing (json) JWT Key value storage (kvstore) Least connections director (leastconn) Module to control the built-in HTTP2 transport (h2) MSE control (mse) MSE4 control (mse4) Probe Proxy ProxyV2 TLV Attribute Extraction (proxy) Pseudo Random Number Generator Purge (purge/softpurge) Real-time Status (rtstatus) Reverse DNS (resolver) Rewrite S3 VMOD Session Slicer SQLite3 Stale Standard (std) Stat (Prometheus) Strings (str) Synthetic backends (synthbackend) Tag-based invalidation (Ykey/Xkey) TCP configuration (tcp) TLS Total Encryption (crypto) Unified director object (udo) Uniform Resource Identifier (uri) Unix Socket Utilities (unix) URL Plus (urlplus) Utils Vsthrottle



mkfs.mse [-c <in.conf>] [-f]


The mkfs.mse utility creates and initializes the data files and stores for use with Massive Storage Engine. It reads the configuration file that describes the disks and paths to be used for books and stores. This utility needs to be run once before starting varnishd with MSE for the first time.

mkfs.mse will report an error if valid data files are found in the locations pointed to in the configuration file, and refuse to overwrite the existing data. Use the -f force flag to override the error. This will clear the cache completely, leaving an empty cache when Varnish is started.

mkfs.mse can extend an already existing MSE configuration using the -r option. This option will create new books and resize certain files, such as journals.

Note that books and stores need to be placed on ext4 volumes. Other filesystems have been found to create fragmentation and performance issues which are illusive to diagnose. In particular, XFS’s block preallocation defeats techniques MSE uses. NFS suffers from the same issue, adding network latency on top of it.


-c <in.conf>

The configuration file to use. See the MSE documentation for details of the configuration file.


Use the force option. This overrides the error of previous existing configuration.


Use the reconfigure option. This enables creating new books and resizing ban-file and store journals in an existing MSE configuration. With the reconfigure option, both books and stores will be recreated if the books are missing, but not when stores are missing.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203