Varnish Enterprise

Synthetic backends (synthbackend)


The synthbackend vmod allows the insertion of synthetic object at the beginning of the fetch pipeline, allowing you to store and manipulate them exactly like backend-generated response.

Varnish can produce synthetic responses out-of-the-box, but these objects aren’t inserted into the cache, and they aren’t processed the same way (no ESI, gzip processing for example).


Pushing a file in cache

vcl 4.0;

import synthbackend;

backend s1 {
  .host = "";

sub vcl_recv {
  # because varnish will reset the method to "GET", we have to store the
  # POST info in a header
  if (req.method == "POST") {
    set = "yes";
    return (hash);

sub vcl_backend_fetch {
  # if the request was a POST, reestablish the method, and set the
  # "mirror" backend that will send back the request body as response body
  if ( == "yes") {
    set bereq.method = "POST";
    set bereq.backend = synthbackend.mirror();
    return (fetch);

curl can then be used to push content:

curl '' --data-binary @file.html

Triggering a multi-URLs pre-warm

It’s also possible to tell Varnish to fetch a list of URLs to prime the cache.

In this example, vmod_xbody is used to transform the provided list of URLs:



{{ > /path/to/page/1 }}
{{ > /path/to/page/2 }}
{{ > /path/to/page/3 }}

which is vmod_edgestash syntax to trigger subrequests.

In this example, we push the URL file with the LOAD method:

curl '' --data-binary @url.list -X LOAD


import edgestash;
import synthbackend;
import xbody;

backend s1 {
  .host = "";

sub vcl_recv {
  unset req.http.warm-state;
  # set the warm-state header: "top" for the initial request, "sub" for
  # subrequests to be cached
  if (req_top.method == "LOAD") {
    if (req.esi_level == 0) {
      set req.http.warm-state = "top";
      # we don't want the request cached, only its subrequests
    } else {
      set req.http.warm-state = "sub";
      # convert the request into a HEAD one to avoid sending
      # the body back
      set req.method = "HEAD";

sub vcl_backend_fetch {
  # only use mirror for the top request
  if (bereq.http.warm-state == "top") {
    set bereq.backend = synthbackend.mirror();
  } else {
    set bereq.backend = s1;

sub vcl_backend_response {
  # prepare the list for edgestash processing
  if (bereq.http.warm-state == "top") {
    set bereq.backend = synthbackend.mirror();
    xbody.regsub("(.*)\n?", "{{ > \1 }}");

sub vcl_deliver {
  # trigger the edgestash processing
  if (req.http.warm-state == "top") {
    return (deliver);

Caching string data

This example uses vmod_cookieplus to retrieve the user cookie and parse its value into the string that feeds synthbackend.from_string().

vcl 4.0;

import cookieplus;
import synthbackend;

backend default {
  .host = "";

sub vcl_hash {
  #As the returned object depends on the "user" cookie, add it to the hash key

sub vcl_backend_fetch {
  set bereq.backend = synthbackend.from_string("Welcome " + cookieplus.get("user"));



BACKEND from_blob(BLOB)

Take a BLOB as argument and return a backend that will respond 200 OK with the argument as body. This function must be called from sub vcl_backend_fetch.*

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Backend

Restricted to: vcl_backend_fetch


BACKEND from_string(STRING)

Take a STRING as argument and return a backend that will respond 200 OK with the argument as body. This function must be called from sub vcl_backend_fetch.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Backend

Restricted to: vcl_backend_fetch


BACKEND mirror()

Reflects the request body as response body. If bereq.http.content-encoding exists, it’ll be copied to beresp.http.content-encoding.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Backend


BACKEND null()

Returns a “null” backend, akin to an empty director or a sick backend.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Backend


The synthbackend VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.1r3 and later.