Varnish Enterprise

TCP configuration (tcp)


The tcp vmod contains functions to control TCP congestion control algorithms, set pacing (rate limiting) and perform logging of protocol-related information.


TCP rate-limiting

import std;
import tcp;

sub vcl_recv
  # Limit all clients to 1000 KB/s.

TCP congestion control algorithm

import std;
import tcp;

sub vcl_recv
  set req.http.X-Tcp = tcp.congestion_algorithm("bbr");

Here, the X-Tcp header field will be set to 0 when changing the congestion control algorithm succeeded. Otherwise, it will be -1, indicating an error.

See the tcp.congestion_algorithm() function for more information about congestion control algorithms.



INT congestion_algorithm(STRING algorithm)

Set the client socket congestion control algorithm to algorithm. Returns 0 on success, and -1 on error.

sub vcl_recv {
  set req.http.x-tcp = tcp.congestion_algorithm("cubic");

To see your available algorithms:

# sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_available_congestion_control
net.ipv4.tcp_available_congestion_control = reno cubic bbr

The bbr congestion control algorithm requires kernel version 4.9.0 or later. See:


  • algorithm accepts type STRING

Type: Function

Returns: Int

Restricted to: client


VOID dump_info()

Write the contents of the TCP_INFO data structure into varnishlog.

sub vcl_recv {

The varnishlog output could look like this:

VCL_Log    tcpi: snd_mss=1448 rcv_mss=536 lost=0 retrans=0
VCL_Log    tcpi2: pmtu=1500 rtt=12042 rttvar=6021 snd_cwnd=10 advmss=1448 reordering=3
VCL_Log    getsockopt() returned: bbr

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client


REAL get_estimated_rtt()

Get the estimated round-trip-time for the client socket, measured in milliseconds.

sub vcl_recv
  if (tcp.get_estimated_rtt() > 300) {
    std.log("Client is far away!");

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Real

Restricted to: client


VOID set_socket_pace(INT, ENUM {sess, req} scope = sess)

Socket pacing is a Linux method for rate limiting TCP connections in a network friendly way.

Controls TCP rate limiting for the client connection, where pace is measured in KB/s. The outgoing network interface used must be configured with a supported scheduler, such as fq.

sub vcl_recv
  # Set client max bandwidth to 1000kb/s for this client,
  # as long as the current network scheduler supports it:
  if (tcp.set_socket_pace(1000) != 0) {
    std.log("Failed to set pacing for client socket!");

Servers utilizing rate limiting must change their network scheduler. This can be changed with a sysctl setting:



The scope parameter has two options, req and sess:

  • req scope: content-based pacing (eg. large files)
  • sess scope: client-based pacing (eg. ACL)


  • scope is an ENUM that accepts values of sess, and req with a default value of sess optional

Type: Function

Returns: None


INT get_socket_pace()

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Int


INT get_quick_ack()

Get the current setting of the TCP_QUICKACK socket option of the client socket.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Int

Restricted to: client


VOID set_quick_ack(INT quickack)

Set the current setting of the TCP_QUICKACK socket option of the client socket. When ‘quickack’ is 1, TCP ACK will be sent immediately without waiting for TCP to select an appropiate time to send one. This is useful to workaround a client sending small messages without using TCP_NODELAY. TCP may override this setting at a later time or delay ACKs for other reasons. This function may only be called from the client side.


  • quickack accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client


The tcp VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.0r0 and later.