Varnish Enterprise

Introduction Installation Upgrading Troubleshooting Changelog Changelog for 6.0.x Changes (Varnish Cache 4.1) Changes (Varnish Cache Plus 4.1) Known Issues Features Backend SSL/TLS Client SSL/TLS termination Cluster In-Process TLS MSE 4 Basic Configuration / Getting Started Configuration Persisted caching Categories Configuration Reference MSE 3.0 Settings mkfs.mse Memory Governor MSE 2.0 NUMA Parallel ESI Backend health counter HTTP/2 Support JSON Logging TCP Only Probes Timeouts Transit Buffer Varnish scoreboard VMODs Accept Accounting ACL (aclplus) ActiveDNS Akamai Connector AWS VCL Body Access & Transformation (xbody) Brotli Cookie Plus (cookieplus) DeviceAtlas DeviceAtlas3 Digest Dynamic backends (goto) Edgestash File Format Geolocation (geoip/mmdb) Header Manipulation (headerplus) HTTP communication (http) Image JSON parsing (json) JWT Key value storage (kvstore) Least connections director (leastconn) Module to control the built-in HTTP2 transport (h2) MSE control (mse) MSE4 control (mse4) Probe Proxy ProxyV2 TLV Attribute Extraction (proxy) Pseudo Random Number Generator Purge (purge/softpurge) Real-time Status (rtstatus) Reverse DNS (resolver) Rewrite S3 VMOD Session Slicer SQLite3 Stale Standard (std) Stat (Prometheus) Strings (str) Synthetic backends (synthbackend) Tag-based invalidation (Ykey/Xkey) TCP configuration (tcp) TLS Total Encryption (crypto) Unified director object (udo) Uniform Resource Identifier (uri) Unix Socket Utilities (unix) URL Plus (urlplus) Utils Vsthrottle


The Varnish Enterprise offering has Enterprise at its core, as most components interact with it in one way or another. Though installing Enterprise first is recommended, some other components (like the Varnish Administration Console) can be installed independently.

When you sign up for Varnish Enterprise, you’ll receive a welcome letter with the necessary installation information. This includes a unique token for your account, which will be represented as TOKEN in this guide.

Installing Varnish Enterprise is a two step process:

  1. Configure the repository for your Linux distribution.
  2. Install the software using the built in package manager.

Note: If you can’t locate your username and password, contact

Supported platforms

See the Packages page for full and up-to-date list.

Varnish Enterprise is supported on 64bit systems with Intel or AMD processors (x64).

Repository configuration and Varnish Enterprise installation

Since we’re modifying system configurations and installing new packages, all commands below are expected to be run as root. As usual, great powers comes with great responsibility, please make sure that important information is backed up before proceeding.

Automated installation

Note: Though easy and practical, this method isn’t recommended for setting up production environments.

You can install Varnish Enterprise by downloading and running

# this will ask you for you repository token,
# then install the default set of Enterprise packages
curl | bash

Specify a repository token for a fully automated install:

curl | TOKEN=$TOKEN bash

Use the INSTALL environment variable to restrict the packages you want to install an to specify their version:

curl | TOKEN=$TOKEN INSTALL="varnish-plus varnish-broadcaster-1.2.0-1.el7" bash

RedHat Enterprise Linux and derivatives

Note: On rhel platforms, Transparent Huge Pages are usually active by default. Please check the Notes section below on how to deactivate them.

Disable the Varnish DNF Module in EL 8

You’ll need to disable the Varnish DNF module before installation to avoid conflicts and issues related to package compatibility. This is for RHEL 8 based distributions only.

Run the following command:

dnf -y module disable varnish

Sample output:

[root@Your-Machine ~]# dnf -y module disable varnish
varnish-enterprise-60                                                                 1.4kB/s|833B 00:00
varnish-enterprise-60                                                                 39kB/s|3.8kB 00:00
Importing GPG key 0x96070917:
Userid :"
( <>"
Fingerprint: CE98 860E 21CE CAE9 5429 3743 5E00 8F49 9607 0917
From : shplus/60/gpgkey
varnish-enterprise-60                                                               337kB/s|224kB 00:00
Dependencies resolved.
Package 	Architecture		Version 	Repository 	Size
Disabling modules:

Transaction Summary

Configure yum repository for Varnish Enterprise

Create or edit /etc/yum.repos.d/varnish-enterprise-6.0.repo to contain the repository details:


Note: Be sure to replace the ${TOKEN} with the Package cloud token found in the credential section.

Enable epel-release repository

The epel-release repository or, “Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux” (EPEL), contains some dependencies that Varnish Enterprise packages will require.

Run the following command:

yum install -y epel-release

This output will confirm the installation:


Install Varnish Enterprise

Install Varnish Enterprise with the required dependencies.

Run the following command:

yum install -y varnish-plus

The following output will confirm the installation:

 annobin-10.94-1.el8.x86_64                  binutils-2.30-119.el8.x86_64
 dwz-0.12-10.el8.x86_64                      efi-srpm-macros-3-3.el8.noarch

You’ll probably want to enable CRB too if you need varnish-modules, check the section Varnish modules

Ubuntu / Debian

Install prerequisites

Packages in our repositories are signed and distributed via HTTPS, so you’ll need to enable HTTPS support in the package manager and install our public key first:

apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
curl -L | apt-key add -

Configure deb repository

To use our Varnish Enterprise repositories, paste the following in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/varnish-enterprise-6.0.list:

# be sure to replace "DIST" with "ubuntu" or "debian", and "RELEASE" with
# "xenial", "bionic" or "stretch" depending on your exact platform

# Varnish Enterprise 6.0 and VMODs
deb RELEASE main

If you are using Debian 9.0 (stretch), paste the following in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sources.list:

deb stretch-backports main

Install Varnish Enterprise

Finish by updating the apt database and installing the varnish-plus package:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y varnish-plus

After installation


This checks the installed Varnish version, which could be helpful to include when submitting a support request. Note: Version may have changed from example below

The -V argument will output the exact varnishd version installed on your system (which should be varnish-plus):

[root@Your-Machine ~]# varnishd -V
varnishd (varnish-plus-6.0.11r4 revision 676b15e5f7393eb5d5700df47ea504055db032d4)
Copyright (c) 2006 Verdens Gang AS
Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Varnish Software AS

Service status

Enable the service and verify that it’s running:

[root@Your-Machine ~]# systemctl enable --now varnish && systemctl status varnish
 ● varnish.service - Varnish Cache Plus, a high-performance HTTP accelerator
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/varnish.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
        Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-08-09 23:26:28 UTC; 13min ago
        Process: 16004 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/varnishd -a :6081 -a
localhost:8443,proxy -T localhost:6082 -S /etc/varnish/secret -p feature=+http2 -r vcc_allow_inline_c -r allow_exec >
        Main PID: 16005 (varnishd)
         Tasks: 223
        Memory: 156.4M
        CGroup: /system.slice/varnish.service
            ├─16005 /usr/sbin/varnishd -a :6081 -a localhost:8443,proxy -T localhost:6082 -S /etc/varnish/secret -p feature=+http2 -r vcc_allow_inline_c -r allow_exec -f /etc/>
            └─16015 /usr/sbin/varnishd -a :6081 -a localhost:8443,proxy -T localhost:6082 -S /etc/varnish/secret -p feature=+http2 -r vcc_allow_inline_c -r allow_exec -f /etc/>

        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine varnishd[16005]: Debug: Version: varnish-plus-6.0.11r4 revision 676b15e5f7393eb5d5700df47ea504055db032d4
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine varnishd[16005]: Debug: Platform: Linux,4.18.0-477.10.1.el8_8.x86_64,x86_64,-junix,-smse,-hcritbit
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine varnishd[16005]: Version: varnish-plus-6.0.11r4 revision 676b15e5f7393eb5d5700df47ea504055db032d4
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine varnishd[16005]: Platform: Linux,4.18.0-477.10.1.el8_8.x86_64,x86_64,-junix,-smse,-hcritbit
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine varnishd[16005]: Debug: Child (16015) Started
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine varnishd[16005]: Child (16015) Started
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine varnishd[16005]: Child launched OK
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine varnishd[16005]: Child (16015) said
Child starts
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine systemd[1]: Started Varnish Cache Plus,
a high-performance HTTP accelerator.
        Aug 09 23:26:28 AMSI-Machine; varnishd[16005]: Child (16015) said
Environment mse fully populated in 0.00 seconds. (0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0)

HTTP connectivity

Using cURL against localhost at port 6081 indicates that Varnish is listening and responding to incoming traffic coming.

Run the following:

[root@Your-Machine ~]# curl -I localhost:6081

It should return something like this:

HTTP/1.1 503 Backend fetch failed
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2023 23:29:22 GMT
Server: Varnish
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Retry-After: 5
X-Varnish: 2
Age: 0
Via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/6.0)
Content-Length: 278
Connection: keep-alive

The X-Varnish and Via headers confirm that we are, indeed, talking to Varnish.

Misc. commands

To find out more about OS:

[root@Your-Machine ~]# cat /etc/os-release


Transparent Huge Pages (THP)

Transparent Huge Pages is a Linux kernel feature to improve performance by more efficiently using a processors’ memory mapping hardware. This is a feature that is enabled by default on most recent Linux distributions.

The approach in Varnish is to assume no huge page is delivered by default and it will explicitly request huge pages when it is a known benefit for performance. It is therefore recommended to configure the system to disable huge pages by default but to honor explicit huge page requests by setting the policy to madvise.

Alternatively, setting the setting to never can be used safely but some optimisations within Varnish will have no effect.

The procedure to configure THP will vary based on the distribution being used. Please consult with the manual for your distribution for the correct steps to take.

For example, on RHEL 7 and later to configure THP add or modify the transparent_hugepage=madvise kernel parameter in /etc/default/grub.

The shared memory log

The shared memory log contains file which are used for communicating logs and counters to log consumers like varnishncsa and varnishlog. In some circumstances, having these files on a physical medium can create performance problems. For this reason it is strongly recommended to mount the /var/lib/varnish/ directory as a tmpfs file system.

If you choose to limit the size of the tmpfs file system, a reasonable size is three times the varnishd parameter vsl_space.

Maximum Memory Maps

The Linux kernel has a global system-wide parameter controlling how many memory maps processes are allowed to use. When a process needs more maps than allowed the operation fails indicating no memory could be allocated. This will often result in a Varnish panic and crash even when there is plenty of physical memory available in the system.

The global parameter is changed using the sysctl value vm.max_map_count and it should be configured at a value high enough for Varnish to operate, a value of 262144 or above is highly recommended.

While some distributions have a default value that is much higher than what Varnish requires other distributions like RHEL leverage a very conservative value.

The currently enforced value on the system can be read in multiple ways:

[root@Your-Machine ~]# sysctl vm.max_map_count
vm.max_map_count = 262120
[root@Your-Machine ~]# cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count

When the value is lower than 262120, the value must be changed using sysctl, and this change must be persisted or it will reset upon next server boot. The following commands persist the change, reload the sysctl configuration and verify the enforced value:

[root@Your-Machine ~]# echo "vm.max_map_count=262120" > /etc/sysctl.d/99-vm-max-map-count.conf
[root@Your-Machine ~]# sysctl --system
[root@Your-Machine ~]# sysctl vm.max_map_count
vm.max_map_count = 262120
[root@Your-Machine ~]# cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count

For more detailed information please refer to the documentation of the Linux kernel and of your distribution.

Varnish modules

In 6.0, many Varnish modules (VMODs) are embedded in the varnish-plus package and no extra installation is required.

Modules with third-party package dependencies (libcurl, libmemcached) are available in a separate package called varnish-plus-vmods-extra. This package is not installed by default. In EL9, some of these dependencies are satisfied by packages from the CodeReady Builder (CRB) repository. If you’d like to install varnish-plus-vmods-extra, please enable the CRB repository first:

# Only needed if dnf config-manager is not installed
sudo dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'

sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
sudo dnf install varnish-plus-vmods-extra

The CodeReady Builder repository has different name depending on what OS you are using. In AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9 its called crb. With Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 the actual name depends on the cloud provider but should usually contain codeready-builder-for-rhel:

sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled '*codeready-builder-for-rhel*'

The command dnf repolist --all will print the exact name of all available repositories, including the CodeReady Builder repository.

The source code for some of these VMODs are available at

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203