Varnish Enterprise



The activedns vmod lets you configure the ActiveDNS service to provide compatible VMODs with DNS updates. The ActiveDNS service works in the background, prompting directors to create or remove backends when DNS results change.

DNS Group Configuration

In order to start creating dynamic backends, you must first create a DNS group. A DNS group is ActiveDNS’s way of keeping track of a DNS configuration that when resolved, results in a set of backends. Each DNS group is given a unique tag, and ActiveDNS compatible directors can subscribe to the tag in order to receive asynchronous DNS updates.

A DNS group can be (re)configured at any time after creation, and from any VCL subroutine. A configuration consists of the following attributes:

  • Hostname: Name to resolve.
  • Port: Port to create backends with.
  • TTL: Interval of DNS resolutions.
  • Rules: Control aspects of DNS resolution and updates.
  • Templates: Blueprint for creating dynamic backends.

The hostname is the only attribute you are required to set before DNS resolution and updates can start. All other attributes have sensible default values that will be used if the attribute is not explicitly set.

Minimal configuration:

sub vcl_init {
  new group1 = activedns.dns_group("");

This configuration will resolve “” at an interval determined by the DNS results, and generate backends with port number 80 (or SRV record port).

DNS Group Updates

When a DNS group has a hostname and at least one subscriber, the group is considered “active”, and will be resolved by ActiveDNS. A DNS group that has been active can also become “inactive”, if it looses all of its subscribers, or if the VCL goes cold.

A DNS group will normally be resolved and updated at an interval determined by the Time To Live(TTL) attribute obtained from DNS records. This interval can be overridden by changing the TTL rule of the DNS group, and defining a custom TTL. Regardless of which rule you choose, if the TTL returned from DNS is 0, the custom TTL will be used instead.

ActiveDNS may decide to skip an update to the subscribers of a DNS group after resolution if nothing changed since last update, or if the update rule dictates that the update should be skipped.

If you have made changes to a DNS group or the DNS environment, and don’t want to wait for the next scheduled update, you can initiate a new update with dns_group.refresh(). ActiveDNS has several layers of caching and revalidation, so a refresh can be configured to skip some or all of these layers. For example, setting a new hostname for a DNS group just requires a dns_group.refresh(host) to take effect, while a change in DNS records may require a dns_group.refresh(cache) to avoid getting cached results from a previous resolution that have not expired yet.

Global Resources

ActiveDNS has a set of worker threads that perform DNS resolutions and give updates to subscribers. These workers are shared between all VCLs, each pulling from a shared queue of DNS groups to be resolved. This limits the overhead on deployments with large numbers of VCLs.

The worker threads have access to a shared DNS cache, where the results of successful DNS resolutions are cached for the duration of their TTLs. This can significantly reduce the number outbound DNS requests, and because the cache is shared between VCLs, dynamic backends can be regenerated very fast during a VCL reload.

The lifetime of these global resources, and ActiveDNS itself, is limited to the combined lifetime of loaded VCLs that use ActiveDNS. In other words, ActiveDNS is initialized on demand when the first VCL wants to use it, and is torn down when there are no more ActiveDNS-using VCLs loaded.


Backend and probe templates:

backend b1 {
  .host = "";
  .host_header = "example";

probe p1 {
  .url = "/";

sub vcl_init {
  new group = activedns.dns_group("");

This configuration generates backends with the .host_header backend attribute set to “example”, and a probe making health checks to “/”.

SSL/TLS backend configuration:

backend b1 {
  .host = "";
  .ssl = 1;

sub vcl_init {
  new group = activedns.dns_group("");

This configuration generates ssl-enabled backends.

SRV records:

sub vcl_init {
  new group = activedns.dns_group("");

This configuration resolves only SRV records, but instead of using the port provided by each SRV record, we override the port to 1234.

Host backend:

sub vcl_init {
  new group = activedns.dns_group("");

This configuration generates a single backend. The backend may have both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address.

Dynamic hostname:

acl trusted { ""; }

sub vcl_init {
  new group = activedns.dns_group("");

sub vcl_recv {
  if (req.http.New-Domain && client.ip ~ trusted) {
    return (synth(200));

This configuration will initially create backends from the results of “”. When a request containing the New-Domain header comes from localhost, the dns_group hostname will be set to the contents of the header. The dns_group is then refreshed, updating the subscribers according to the update rule.

Local resolution:

sub vcl_init {
  new group = activedns.dns_group("");

This configuration makes ActiveDNS ignore the contents of the hosts: field defined in /etc/nsswitch.conf, opting to only resolve hostnames from /etc/hosts.



OBJECT dns_group([STRING host])

Create a new DNS group. This object’s methods can be called from any VCL subroutine. The ActiveDNS service will start resolving this group once it has a hostname and at least one subscriber. The hostname can be set by providing the optional host argument or by calling .set_host().


  • host accepts type STRING

Type: Object

Returns: Object.


VOID .set_host(STRING host)

Set the hostname to be resolved. This can be a single component domain, a (sub)domain name, or even a url. A group candidate port number can be inferred from host, either from the scheme of the url or an explicit port number. See examples below.

group1.set_host(""); # host:
group2.set_host("http//"); # host:, port:80
group3.set_host(""); # host:, port: 443
group4.set_host(""); # host:, port: 1234
group5.set_host("example"); # host: example
group6.set_host(""); host:


  • host accepts type STRING

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_port(STRING port)

Set the group candidate port number. Default is port 80. Must be non-zero.



  • port accepts type STRING

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_ttl(DURATION ttl)

Set the group candidate TTL. Default is 10 seconds. Must be greater than or equal to 1 second.



  • ttl accepts type DURATION

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_ipv_rule(ENUM {auto, ipv4, ipv6, all} ipv_rule)

Set the IP version rule. Default is auto where both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are allowed, but only one address type is used. The cache parameter prefer_ipv6 determines which address type is resolved first, and which is fallback in case no records of the first type exists. Influences order of DNS resolution and determines which IP address types are to be used.



  • ipv_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of auto, ipv4, ipv6, and all

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_ttl_rule(ENUM {force, abide, morethan, lessthan} ttl_rule)

Set the TTL rule. Default is abide. Determines wether the group update interval shall be the group candidate TTL or the DNS candidate TTL. Can use the larger or smaller TTL of group and DNS candidate TTLs.



  • ttl_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of force, abide, morethan, and lessthan

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_port_rule(ENUM {abide, force} port_rule)

Set the port rule. Default is abide. Determines wether the port used for backend creation shall be the group candidate port or the DNS candidate port. If no DNS candidate port exists, e.g. no SRV records are resolved, the group candidate port is always used. If the DNS candidate port is zero, the group candidate port is used.



  • port_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of abide, and force

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_mode_rule(ENUM {auto, host, dns, srv} mode_rule)

Set the resolution mode rule. Default is auto. Determines what types of DNS records are resolved and how these records constitute a set of backends. All resolution modes respect the IP version rule.


  • auto: Resolve A, AAAA, and SRV records, and pick one of the other modes based on the results. If any SRV records are found, srv mode is always chosen. If multiple A and/or multiple AAAA records are found, dns mode is chosen. If a single A and/or a single AAAA record is found, host mode is chosen. If the IP version rule is set to all, host mode is never chosen in favor of dns mode. auto mode will dynamically switch between modes as DNS changes.

  • host: A single backend is created from the first A and/or the first AAAA record. The backend can have both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address.

  • dns: Backends are created from the set of A records, the set of AAAA records, or the combined set of A and AAAA records, depending on ipv_rule.

  • srv: Backends are created from the set of SRV records. Each SRV record results in one backend, which can have both an IPv4 address and an IPV6 address.

Some resolution modes can produce backends with both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address. When Varnish connects to such backends, the preferred address type will be attempted first, with a fall-back on the second address type.



  • mode_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of auto, host, dns, and srv

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_update_rule(ENUM {always, ignore_empty, ignore_error} update_rule)

Set the update rule. Default is ignore_error. Determines wether or not to perform a subscriber update after DNS resolution.


  • always: Subscriber updates are always performed.

  • ignore_empty: Subscriber updates are not performed if the set of backends is empty for any reason, including NXDOMAIN and NODATA.

  • ignore_error: Subscriber updates are not performed if the the DNS query failed. Does not perform an update on DNS error responses like SERVFAIL, but does perform an update on NXDOMAIN and NODATA.

In the event of a manually triggered DNS group refresh where the DNS results are such that this rule mandates the update to be skipped, an update will be issued with the previous DNS results.



  • update_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of always, ignore_empty, and ignore_error

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_nsswitch_rule(ENUM {auto, dns_first, dns_only, files_first, files_only} nsswitch_rule)

Set the nsswitch rule. Default is auto. Determines wether DNS updates for this DNS group are resolved from DNS, /etc/hosts, or both.


  • auto: Choose a rule based on the contents of the hosts: field in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

  • dns_first: Attempt a DNS resolution first. If no results, go to file. Equivalent of hosts: dns files in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

  • dns_only: Attempt a DNS resolution only. Equivalent of hosts: dns in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

  • files_first: Attempt a file resolution first. If no results, go to DNS. Equivalent of hosts: files dns in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

  • files_only: Attempt a file resolution only. Equivalent of hosts: files in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

For rules where both sources are accepted, one will act as a fallback for the other. ActiveDNS will not produce a combination of results from files and DNS.



  • nsswitch_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of auto, dns_first, dns_only, files_first, and files_only

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_hash_rule(ENUM {socket, service} hash_rule)

Set the hash rule. Default is socket. Determines which attributes of the resolution to base the resolutions identity hash on.


  • socket: Generate the hash based on the IPv4 and/or IPv6 socket address (IP + port) of each entry.

  • service: Generate the hash based on the resolved domain name. This only takes effect when resolving a single IPv4 and/or IPv6 address, for example when resolving domains from SRV records.

This rule can be used to make the hash of entries described by SRV records consistent, even when the socket address changes. Useful in Kubernetes-like environments with persisted caches, as nodes can disappear and come back with a different socket address.



  • hash_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of socket, and service

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_backend_template(BACKEND backend)

Set a backend template for backend creation. The backend must be a plain VCL backend. After setting a backend template, each new backend created will inherit this backend template, with the exception of the fields .host, .port, .path, and .probe.

VCL requires either the .host or .path field to be set. This can be set to any value, as it is ignored by ActiveDNS.

backend example_backend {
  .host = "";
  .connect_timeout = 10s;
  .ssl = 1;
  .certificate = "example";

sub vcl_init {
  new group1 = activedns.dns_group("");


  • backend accepts type BACKEND

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .set_probe_template(PROBE probe)

Set a probe template to be used as a template for backend creation. After setting a probe template, each new backend created will get a new probe based on this probe template.

probe example_probe {
  .url = "/path";
  .interval = 5s;

sub vcl_init {
  new group1 = activedns.dns_group("");


  • probe accepts type PROBE

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .refresh(ENUM {host, cache, info} layer = host, BOOL wait = 0)

Initiate a subscriber update, and conditionally wait for ActiveDNS to complete the update. A refresh can bypass several caching/revalidation layers, and a refresh on a certain layer, will also refresh all the layers above it. For example, a refresh on the info layer will also refresh the host and cache layer.


  • host: Refresh the host layer. This will provide updated results if the configured host and/or port has changed, but may hit internally cached results for that domain.

  • cache: Refresh the DNS cache layer. This will skip the lookup in the internal DNS cache, and thus force a new external DNS query. Any existing backends that match one of the resulting DNS records will be revalidated and continue to exist in their current configuration.

  • info: Refresh the info layer. This will actively remove all current backends and replace them with brand new ones based on DNS results. This is mostly useful for changes to backend/probe templates.

Multiple concurrent refresh calls will only trigger a single refresh. The cost of performing a refresh is going to depend on refresh layer, with the host layer being fairly cheap since it hits the internal DNS cache. A refresh on the info layer is comparatively expensive, as it has to reach out to DNS and regenerate backends.

ActiveDNS can wait for the subscriber update to complete before returning. This is off by default. Setting this to true will make the calling request wait, while other requests continue to use the cached DNS results.

group1.refresh(cache, wait = true);


  • wait accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0 optional

  • layer is an ENUM that accepts values of host, cache, and info with a default value of host optional

Type: Method

Returns: None


STRING .get_tag()

Retrieve the string uniquely representing this DNS group. Other VMODs can use this string to subscribe to the tag and receive updates.

new group1 = activedns.dns_group();
new mon1 = activedns.monitor();

Arguments: None

Type: Method

Returns: String


VOID set_default_port(STRING port)

Set the default port. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • port accepts type STRING

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_ttl(DURATION ttl)

Set the default TTL. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • ttl accepts type DURATION

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_ipv_rule(ENUM {auto, ipv4, ipv6, all} ipv_rule)

Set the default IP version rule. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • ipv_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of auto, ipv4, ipv6, and all

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_ttl_rule(ENUM {force, abide, morethan, lessthan} ttl_rule)

Set the default TTL rule. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • ttl_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of force, abide, morethan, and lessthan

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_port_rule(ENUM {abide, force} port_rule)

Set the default port rule. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • port_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of abide, and force

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_mode_rule(ENUM {auto, host, dns, srv} mode_rule)

Set the default mode rule. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • mode_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of auto, host, dns, and srv

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_update_rule(ENUM {always, ignore_empty, ignore_error} update_rule)

Set the default update rule. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • update_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of always, ignore_empty, and ignore_error

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_nsswitch_rule(ENUM {auto, dns_first, dns_only, files_first, files_only} nsswitch_rule)

Set the default nsswitch rule. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • nsswitch_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of auto, dns_first, dns_only, files_first, and files_only

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_hash_rule(ENUM {socket, service} hash_rule)

Set the default hash rule. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.



  • hash_rule is an ENUM that accepts values of socket, and service

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_backend_template(BACKEND backend)

Set the default backend template. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.

backend example_backend {
  .host = "";
  .connect_timeout = 10s;
  .ssl = 1;
  .certificate = "example";

sub vcl_init {


  • backend accepts type BACKEND

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID set_default_probe_template(PROBE probe)

Set the default probe template. Every DNS group created in this VCL from this point forward will inherit this attribute.

probe example_probe {
  .url = "/path";
  .interval = 5s;

sub vcl_init {


  • probe accepts type PROBE

Type: Function

Returns: None


OBJECT monitor()

Create a new monitor. A monitor can subscribe to a DNS group and keep track of information related to the DNS group. It is not necessary to create monitor for a DNS group, rather this is meant to serve as an optional information endpoint for testing and logging.

Arguments: None

Type: Object

Returns: Object.


VOID .subscribe(STRING tag)

Subscribe to a DNS group, and cache the info received from subscriber updates. Each new update will clear the cached info from the previous update.


  • tag accepts type STRING

Type: Method

Returns: None


VOID .unsubscribe()

Unsubscribe from a DNS group. This monitor will now stop receiving updates from the DNS group it was previously subscribed to.

Arguments: None

Type: Method

Returns: None


STRING .get_info(ENUM {new, present, updated, removed} state, ENUM {string, hash} format = string)

Generate a list of entries from the previous resolution, where each item in the list describes the socket address(es), priority, and weight of a backend.

The state argument determines which info entries will be made part of the list. The following states can be specified:

  • new: New info not seen in the previous update
  • present: Info seen in the previous update that has not changed
  • updated: Info seen in the previous update that has changed
  • removed: Info seen in the previous update that has been removed

The format argument determines the output format of the info list:

  • string: sa[4,6]:IP:PORT-[sa6:IP:PORT-]pri:PRIORITY-wgt:WEIGHT, …
  • hash: HASH, …
sa4:, sa4:


  • state is an ENUM that accepts values of new, present, updated, and removed

  • format is an ENUM that accepts values of string, and hash with a default value of string optional

Type: Method

Returns: String


STRING .get_new_info()

Deprecated, use .get_info(new) instead.

Arguments: None

Type: Method

Returns: String


STRING .get_present_info()

Deprecated, use .get_info(present) instead.

Arguments: None

Type: Method

Returns: String


STRING .get_updated_info()

Deprecated, use .get_info(updated) instead.

Arguments: None

Type: Method

Returns: String


STRING .get_removed_info()

Deprecated, use .get_info(removed) instead.

Arguments: None

Type: Method

Returns: String


DURATION .get_ttl()

Each update includes information about the time until next update. This will either be the group candidate TTL or the DNS candidate TTL, depending on which ttl_rule is set.

Arguments: None

Type: Method

Returns: Duration


The activedns VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.9r5 and later.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203