Varnish Enterprise

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The format vmod brings formatted strings to VCL for easy string building. This can be used for templating, formatting, and removing the need for large, hard to read, and / or ugly string concatenation. This VMOD uses the ANSI C printf format with ordered arguments. Additionally formatting can be specified with Edgestash syntax and a JSON object.

Format string options

The format strings uses the ANSI C printf format. A format string has two parts. Plain unformatted characters and formatted arguments. Formatted arguments start with % and end with a specifier. Optionally flags, width, precision, and size can be added.

The order is as follows:


There are four types of specifiers: integers, floating point numbers, characters, and strings.

The following specifiers are supported:

  • Integer: d, i, o, u, x, X
  • Float: a, A, e, E, f, F, g, G
  • Character: c
  • String: s

The following additional options are supported:

  • Flags: -, +, (space), #, 0, '
  • Width: (number), *
  • Precision: .(number), .*
  • Length: h, hh, l, ll, j, z, t

When using * or .* a width or precision must be added to the add function.


Build a JSON object:

sub vcl_deliver {
  format.set({"{ "key":"%s","something":%d}"});
  set resp.http.json = format.get();

Sign an authoritative header:

sub vcl_recv {
  set req.http.auth = crypto.hmac(sha256, "secret", format.get());

Quickly build a string in one function:

sub vcl_synth {
  set resp.body = format.quick("ERROR: %s\nREASON: %s\n",
  resp.status, resp.reason);
  return (deliver);


There are two ways to produce a formatted string. The first way is by building the formatted string by setting the format string with set(), followed by adding ordered arguments with add_int, add_float, add_char, and add_string. Once all the arguments have been added, the formatted string can be produced with get(). Arguments added out of order, or too few/many arguments will cause an error. Adding a width or precision in the add functions without a variable width or precision in the format string will result in an error. Missing the width or precision in the add functions when the argument expects a variable width will result in an error.

The second way to produce a format string is with an inline function where the format and the arguments are in the same function. This is done with quick() and edgestash().


VOID set(STRING fmt)

Set a printf like format to be able to format a string. Finish formatting by calling get(). Arguments must be added with the add_*() functions. Arguments must be added in order. All printf functionality is supported except for %p, %n and %m. Additionally flags, width, precision, and length can be used.


  • fmt accepts type STRING

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client, backend


VOID add_string(STRING value, [INT width], [INT precision], BOOL show_null = 1)

Add a string argument with an optional width and precision. When value doesn’t exist and show_null is true, (null) will be added, otherwise an empty string is used.


  • value accepts type STRING

  • show_null accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1 optional

  • width accepts type INT

  • precision accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client, backend


VOID add_int(INT value, [INT width], [INT precision])

Add an integer argument with an optional width and precision.


  • value accepts type INT

  • width accepts type INT

  • precision accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client, backend


VOID add_float(REAL value, [INT width], [INT precision])

Add a floating point argument with an optional width and precision.


  • value accepts type REAL

  • width accepts type INT

  • precision accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client, backend


VOID add_char(INT value, [INT width], [INT precision])

Add a character argument with an optional width and precision.


  • value accepts type INT

  • width accepts type INT

  • precision accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client, backend


STRING get()

Return the formatted string.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, backend


VOID reset()

Reset the state started with set()

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client, backend


STRING quick(STRING fmt, STRING value1, [STRING value2], [STRING value3], [STRING value4], [STRING value5], [STRING value6], [STRING value7], [STRING value8], [STRING value9], [STRING value10], [STRING value11], [STRING value12], [STRING value13], [STRING value14], [STRING value15], [STRING value16], [STRING value17], [STRING value18], [STRING value19], [STRING value20], [STRING value21], [STRING value22], [STRING value23], [STRING value24], [STRING value25], [STRING value26], [STRING value27], [STRING value28], [STRING value29], [STRING value30], BOOL show_null = 1)

This function is a quick way to return a formatted string without needing to call set() and get(). Can only use string arguments.


  • fmt accepts type STRING

  • value1 accepts type STRING

  • show_null accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1 optional

  • value2 accepts type STRING

  • value3 accepts type STRING

  • value4 accepts type STRING

  • value5 accepts type STRING

  • value6 accepts type STRING

  • value7 accepts type STRING

  • value8 accepts type STRING

  • value9 accepts type STRING

  • value10 accepts type STRING

  • value11 accepts type STRING

  • value12 accepts type STRING

  • value13 accepts type STRING

  • value14 accepts type STRING

  • value15 accepts type STRING

  • value16 accepts type STRING

  • value17 accepts type STRING

  • value18 accepts type STRING

  • value19 accepts type STRING

  • value20 accepts type STRING

  • value21 accepts type STRING

  • value22 accepts type STRING

  • value23 accepts type STRING

  • value24 accepts type STRING

  • value25 accepts type STRING

  • value26 accepts type STRING

  • value27 accepts type STRING

  • value28 accepts type STRING

  • value29 accepts type STRING

  • value30 accepts type STRING

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, backend


STRING edgestash(STRING template, STRING json_string, [STRING sdelimiter], [STRING edelimiter], BOOL cache = 1)

Get a formatted string from an Edgestash template and a json. The boolean cache indicates if the template should be cached. If there is already a template in cache, it will indicate if the cached template should be used. If false, the template can be changed.


  • template accepts type STRING

  • json_string accepts type STRING

  • cache accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1 optional

  • sdelimiter accepts type STRING

  • edelimiter accepts type STRING

Type: Function

Returns: String


The format VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.7r1 and later.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203