Varnish Enterprise



The mse vmod lets you influence how MSE works, on a per request basis, from VCL. It does not implement any core MSE features by itself, but is an interface for VCL to manipulate storage selection and other behavior. This means that it is possible to use MSE for storage without using this VMOD.

To use the functions described in this document, you need to import the MSE VMOD into your VCL configuration. This is done by including a line, import mse; near the top of your VCL file. If you use labels, you also need to add this line for each of your labels where the VMOD is used.

Memory Only Objects

When an object goes into MSE, it will typically go into an MSE store, which is an on-disk file specified in mse.conf (see varnish-mse(7)). However, it can also become a memory only, if (at least) one of the following are true:

  • The MSE is configured without any stores.
  • The IO queue for the selected store is too long.
  • The object is short lived.
  • In VCL, mse.set_stores("none"); was called.
  • In the configuration file, default_stores was set to none, and mse.set_stores was not called.

The possibility of forcing memory only objects makes it natural to use MSE as the only storage in a Varnish setup.

Storage Selection

The main functionality of this VMOD is to let the user influence how MSE selects a store from the list of stores defined in a MSE configuration file.

When a (disk) store is needed for a cache insertion, it will be selected randomly from a set of candidates. By default this is all the stores in the MSE, and the they are selected in a round robin fashion. This is fine for homogenous setups, but if you have stores of varying sizes, overriding this is natural.

The set of candidates is overridden by calling the function mse.set_stores(). You can also set a default set of stores in the configuration file through the parameter default_stores.

When the MSE vmod has been invoked, either by calling one of its function or by setting default_stores, then the round robin algorithm is replaced by a random selection from the candidates.

The candidates can have an uneven weighting. By default it is by store size, but it can be overridden for individual objects in VCL, by calling the function mse.set_weighting().

Setups with more than one -s argument

In Varnish it is possible to use more than one -s argument to create more than one store, and there is a “hidden” store called Transient. These are called stevedores internally, and these can be selected by setting beresp.storage_hint. If this variable is not set, Varnish will use a round robin algorithm to select a stevedore.

The stevedore selection happens before MSE has a chance to select one of its stores. This means that if a malloc stevedore is selected by this logic, then any previous calls into the MSE VMOD will be ignored.

Similarly, if more than one -s argument with MSE was used in the command line, then one of these will be selected before the store selection logic happens, and only stores from the selected MSE will be available. For this reason we have the following recommendation for setups currently using more than one -s argument:

  • Combine books from all MSE configuration files into one new MSE configuration file

  • Drop any malloc stevedores, and change the VCL code to use mse.set_stores("none") where you would otherwise select the malloc stevedore.

Use with existing MSE setups

Since this VMOD simply modifies the behavior of MSE, no additional action is needed when you start using this VMOD. The exception is if you want to add a default_stores parameter in your configuration file. This will require a restart, but no mkfs.mse invocation is necessary.

In other words, there is even no need for a restart - you can just load a new VCL with storage selection logic, and it will take effect on the next request.


Use the store size as weights

If you have stores of different sizes, and you want them to be picked in a rate that is proportional to their sizes, the following example is enough:

import mse;
sub vcl_backend_response {

This means that if you use this on a set of empty stores, the expected time for them to fill up (to a certain level) will be the same for each store.

Fill up a new store

A related use case is where an MSE configuration has been updated with a new book and store. The existing stores are close to full, while the new one is empty. In this case it might be a bad idea to put all new content in the new store, but you probably want to pick the empty store more often than the others. There is a special selection mode for this specific use case, called “smooth”. In this mode, the weight will be equal to the available space in the store, plus the actual size of the store:

import mse;
sub vcl_backend_response {

In the code snippet above, using mse.set_weighting(available); would fill up the free store much faster. However, in most cases, using smooth will probably work better.

Different types of stores

For short lived objects it is smart to make them memory only. If an object has a TTL of a minute, and the server is restarted, the object will probably be expired or almost expired when MSE reads its database.

It is also natural to send different types of objects to different stores in an heterogeneous setup. For example, one might choose to store small objects on nVMe drives, and bigger objects on slower SATA drives. This example combine these two:

import mse;
import std;

sub vcl_backend_response {
  if (beresp.ttl < 120s) {
  } else {
    if (beresp.http.Transfer-Encoding ~ "chunked"
        || std.bytes(beresp.http.Content-Length, 0B) > 1M) {
    } else {

sub vcl_deliver {
  set = mse.get_location(STORE);

The example shows how to send objects with chunked transfer encoding and objects bigger than one megabyte to the SATA stores, but it is possible to use other criteria for this selection.

The above requires the SATA stores to have a tag or name equal to “sata”, and the fast stores to have a tag “fast”. Read varnish-mse(7) about how to add tags to stores. If the configuration does not have any stores which match “fast”, then the corresponding insertions will fail. It is possible to check the return value of mse.set_stores("fast") to detect this. To demonstrate where the object landed, we use mse.get_location(STORE) to store the value in a HTTP header.

Note that rotating media should only be used for MSE in very special circumstances, where read/write performance can be sacrificed for storage size.



VOID set_weighting(ENUM {size, available, smooth} weights)

Selects how the selected stores should be weighted when a random store for the object is to be selected. The weights can be based on the store sizes, the amount of free space in the stores, flat (equivalent to an unweighted random distribution) or the special “smooth” weights, which corresponds to the amount of available space in the stevedore plus the size of the store itself).


  • weights is an ENUM that accepts values of size, available, and smooth

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: backend


BOOL set_stores(STRING tag)

Sets a tag that will be used when randomly selecting a store.

If there are no stores defined or if no stores match the tag, false will be returned.

If there exists a store with the given tag, false is returned.

If false is returned, and the failure is not remedied (for example by calling mse.set_stores("none");), the transaction will fail with a 503 message (unless changed in sub vcl_backend_error).


  • tag accepts type STRING

Type: Function

Returns: Bool

Restricted to: backend


INT server_fingerprint()

Returns the fingerprint of the set of books loaded in the MSE environment(s).

The fingerprint is the xor of the unique IDs of all the books in all of the loaded MSE environments. (Note that using exactly one MSE environment is necessary to use the memory governor, and is considered best practice). This means that if a book is added or removed, the fingerprint will change. If several books are combined into one MSE environment, the fingerprint will not change as long as the set of books remain constant.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Int


STRING get_location(ENUM {STORE, BOOK} type)

Returns the identifier of the MSE store or book the current object is being held in. Can only be called from vcl_hit and vcl_deliver. Will return none if object is stored in memory only MSE or NULL if it is not currently being stored in MSE. Storage name can also be obtained using .storage on the object.


  • type is an ENUM that accepts values of STORE, and BOOK

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: vcl_hit, vcl_deliver


BOOL is_mse3()

This function returns true if the Varnish server is configured with one or more instances of the MSE version 3 stevedore. This can be useful in order to construct alternate VCL instructions depending on the storage configuration of the Varnish server instance.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Bool


The mse VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.1r3 and later.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203