Varnish Enterprise



The rewrite vmod aims to reduce the amount of VCL code dedicated to url and headers manipulation. The usual way of handling things in VCL is a long list of if-else clauses:

sub vcl_recv {
  if (req.url ~ "pattern1") {
    set req.url = regsub(req.url, "regex1", "substitute1");
  } else if (req.url ~ "pattern2") {
    set req.url = regsub(req.url, "regex2", "substitute2");

Using vmod_rewrite, the VCL boils down to:

import rewrite;

sub vcl_init {
  new rs = rewrite.ruleset("/path/to/file.rules");

sub vcl_recv {
  set req.url = rs.match_rewrite(req.url);

with file.rules containing:

"regex1" "substitute1"
"regex2" "substitute2"

This is specially useful to clean URL normalization code as well as redirection generation. Thanks to the object-oriented approach, you can create multiple rulesets, eg. one for each task, and keep your VCL code clean and isolated.



OBJECT ruleset(STRING path = 0, STRING string = 0, INT min_fields = 2, ENUM {any, regex, prefix, suffix, exact, glob, glob_path, glob_dot} type = regex, ENUM {quoted, blank, auto, braces} field_separator = quoted)

Parse the file indicated by path or contained in string and create a new rules object. This loads all the rewrite rules described in the file.

The file lists all the rules, one per line, composed of a series of columns named fields, with the following format (except if type=any):


If type=any, a first field is inserted to give the type for that line:


The pattern field and the optional substitution fields are quoted strings. The TYPE field is not quoted. Each field is separated by white-space. Pattern is the regular expression (regex) to match and substitution is the string to rewrite (or replace) any matches with. Empty lines and those starting with “#” are ignored.

Substitutions are optional, and the reason for that is that patterns can be used alone with the match() function.

TYPE (in the rule file) and type (as function argument) can be:

  • regex: Pattern is matched as a regular expression.
  • prefix: Pattern is a string that tries to match the beginning of the target.
  • suffix: Pattern is a string that tries to match the end of the target.
  • exact: Pattern is a string and tries to match the full string.
  • glob: Pattern is matched as a wildcard (* matches any group of characters)
  • glob_path: Same as glob, but * doesn’t match slashes (useful to match paths).
  • glob_dots: Same as glob, but * doesn’t match dots (useful to match IP addresses).
  • any: use the first field in the rule file to decide (can’t be used in the rule file).

min_fields dictate how many strings each line should contain (not including TYPE), if that minimum isn’t reached, the call will fail and the VCL won’t load.

field_separator specifies how the strings are quoted:

  • quoted: double-quotes delimit a string and are not included in said string.
  • blank: string starts with its first non-whitespace character, and end with its last.
  • braces: Braces ({ and }) delimit a string, and the outermost braces are not included in said string. The string itself can include braces, as long as the number of opening and closing braces is balanced. Braces escaped with \ are not counted towards the braces balance.
  • auto: each word in the ruleset can use either quoted (starts with double-quotes), braces (starts with an opening brace), or blank (starts with anything else).

This method is called in sub vcl_init and you can create as many objects as you need:

sub vcl_init {
  new redirect = rewrite.ruleset("/path/to/redirect.rules");
  new normalize = rewrite.ruleset(string = {"
    # this is a comment
    pattern1        substitute1

    (?i)PaTtERn2    substitute2
    pattern([0-9]*) substitute\1
    json            {{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}}
    "}, field_separator = auto);


  • path accepts type STRING with a default value of 0 optional

  • string accepts type STRING with a default value of 0 optional

  • min_fields accepts type INT with a default value of 2 optional

  • type is an ENUM that accepts values of any, regex, prefix, suffix, exact, glob, glob_path, and glob_dot with a default value of regex optional

  • field_separator is an ENUM that accepts values of quoted, blank, auto, and braces with a default value of quoted optional

Type: Object

Returns: Object.


VOID .add_rules(STRING path = 0, STRING string = 0, ENUM {any, regex, prefix, suffix, exact, glob, glob_path, glob_dot} type = regex, ENUM {quoted, blank, auto, braces} field_separator = quoted)

Add rules to an existing ruleset. This is a convenience for split-VCL setups where rules need to be centralized in a single ruleset, but initialized in multiple places to be co-located with related logic.

This function can only be called from sub vcl_init. Just like ruleset constructors, path and string arguments are mutual-exclusive. When rules are added in multiple places, they are then treated in the same order they were added. It is possible to both specify rules in a ruleset constructor and then add more rules.


  • path accepts type STRING with a default value of 0 optional

  • string accepts type STRING with a default value of 0 optional

  • type is an ENUM that accepts values of any, regex, prefix, suffix, exact, glob, glob_path, and glob_dot with a default value of regex optional

  • field_separator is an ENUM that accepts values of quoted, blank, auto, and braces with a default value of quoted optional

Type: Method

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_init


STRING .match_rewrite(STRING term, INT field = 2, ENUM {regsub, regsuball, only_matching} mode = regsuball)

This is a convenience function combining the .match() and .rewrite() methods:

redirect.match_rewrite(req.url, field = 3, mode = regsuball);

is functionally equivalent to:

redirect.rewrite(field = 3, mode = regsuball);

You can use it to apply the first matching rewrite rule to a string:

import rewrite;

sub vcl_init {
  new rs = rewrite.ruleset(string = {"
    "^(api|www)$"       ""
    "^img(|1|2|3)$"     ""
    ""              ""

sub vcl_recv {
  # normalize the host
  set req.url = rs.match_rewrite(req.url);


  • term accepts type STRING

  • field accepts type INT with a default value of 2 optional

  • mode is an ENUM that accepts values of regsub, regsuball, and only_matching with a default value of regsuball optional

Type: Method

Returns: String


BOOL .match(STRING term)

Returns true if a rule in the ruleset matched the string argument, false otherwise.


import rewrite;

sub vcl_init {
  new rs = rewrite.ruleset(string = {"
  "}, min_fields = 1);

sub vcl_recv {
  if (rs.match(req.url)) {
    return (synth(405, "Restricted");


  • term accepts type STRING

Type: Method

Returns: Bool


STRING .rewrite(INT field = 2, ENUM {regsub, regsuball, only_matching} mode = regsuball)

.rewrite() is called after .match(), and applies the previously matched rule, skipping the lookup operation.

By default, the first substitute string (index 2 of the rule definition) is used, but you can specify a different field if needed. If the field doesn’t exist, the string is not rewritten.

mode dictates how the string should be rewritten:

  • regsub: replace only the first match found
  • regsuball: replace all matches
  • only_matching: only output the rewritten (first) match, discarding both the prefix and suffix. It’s the same a the --only-matching option of GNU grep.

For example, considering this rule:

"bar" "qux"

and the string “/foo/bar/bar”:

  • regsub will output “/foo/qux/bar”
  • regsuball will output “/foo/qux/qux”
  • only_matching will output “qux”

You can use this function to retrieve multiple values associated to one rule:

import std;
import rewrite;

sub vcl_init {
  new rs = rewrite.ruleset(string = {"
    # pattern       ttl     grace   keep
    "\.(js|css)"    "1m"    "10m"   "1d"
    "\.(jpg|png)"   "1w"    "1w"    "10w"

sub vcl_backend_response {
  # if there's a match, convert text to duration
  if (rs.match(bereq.url)) {
    set beresp.ttl   = std.duration(rs.rewrite(0, mode = only_matching), 0s);
    set beresp.grace = std.duration(rs.rewrite(1, mode = only_matching), 0s);
    set beresp.keep  = std.duration(rs.rewrite(2, mode = only_matching), 0s);


  • field accepts type INT with a default value of 2 optional

  • mode is an ENUM that accepts values of regsub, regsuball, and only_matching with a default value of regsuball optional

Type: Method

Returns: String


STRING .field(INT field)

.field() must be called after a successful .match(), it returns the corresponding field by number from the matched rule.

For example, considering this VCL:

  import rewrite;

  sub vcl_init {
      new rs = rewrite.ruleset(string = """
          "foo" "bar" "baz"
          "qux" "quxx"

  sub vcl_recv {
      if (rs.match(req.url)) {
          set req.http.field = rs.field(2);

A request with a URL containing “foo” would add a header “Field: bar” to the request.


  • field accepts type INT

Type: Method

Returns: String


STRING .replace(STRING, INT field = 2, ENUM {regsub, regsuball, only_matching} mode = regsuball)

.replace() is deprecated. Please use .match_rewrite() instead.


  • field accepts type INT with a default value of 2 optional

  • mode is an ENUM that accepts values of regsub, regsuball, and only_matching with a default value of regsuball optional

Type: Method

Returns: String


The rewrite VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.0r0 and later.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203