Varnish Enterprise



The rtstatus vmod allows you to query your Varnish server for a JSON object containing counters.

Visiting the URL /rtstatus.json on the Varnish server will produce an application/json response of the following format:

  "uptime" : "0+16:12:58",
  "uptime_sec": 58378.00,
  "hitrate": 30.93,
  "load": 2.73,
  "varnish_version" : "[...]",
  "server_id": "[...]",
    { "server_name": "[...]", "happy": [...], "bereq_tot": [...], [...] },
  "[counter]": {"type": "[...]", "ident": "[...]", "descr": "[...]", "value": [...] },

It comes with a user interface in the form of a static web page that renders the JSON file at the URL /rtstatus.html.


Varnish version Varnish version installed on your server.

Varnish uptime Child uptime.

Hit ratio Absolute hitrate ratio. It is evaluated as: (n_hit) / (n_hit + n_miss). Note that uptime is not taken into consideration for this counter.

Avg hitrate Average hitrate since uptime. It is evaluated as: ((n_hit) / (n_hit + n_miss)) / uptime.

Avg load Average load since uptime. It is evaluated as: n_requests / uptime.

The list of counters is described in the varnish-counters(7) manual, and for convenience backend counters are grouped by backend in the be_info field.


In your VCL you can use this vmod along the following lines:

vcl 4.0;

import rtstatus;

sub vcl_recv {
  if (req.url == "/rtstatus.json" || req.url == "/rtstatus.html") {
    return (synth(200));

sub vcl_synth {
  if (req.url == "/rtstatus.json") {
    return (deliver);
  if (req.url == "/rtstatus.html") {
    return (deliver);



VOID synthetic_json()

Returns a JSON object with relevant Varnish counters. Takes care of setting the content type.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_synth, vcl_backend_error


VOID synthetic_html()

Renders in a UI the JSON file obtained from the synthetic_json function. Takes care of setting the content type.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_synth, vcl_backend_error


The rtstatus VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.0r0 and later.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203