Varnish Enterprise



The tls vmod lets you query details relating to a TLS connection.

If called from one of the client VCL subroutines (e.g. sub vcl_recv or sub vcl_deliver), it will provide details about the client TLS connection.

If called from sub vcl_backend_response, vmod-tls will show details from the currently established TLS backend connection.

Note that the client-side functionality relies on using Varnish’s native TLS implementation. If you are currently terminating TLS in a separate process (for example using Hitch), you should instead use the PROXY VMOD which offers similar functionality.


Client connection

The following example will report which TLS version and which cipher is used for the client connection.

import tls;

sub vcl_deliver {
  if (tls.is_tls()) {
    # Report cipher and TLS version as a response header
    set resp.http.tls-version = tls.version();
    set resp.http.tls-cipher = tls.cipher();

    # Alternatively, we can log it
    std.log("tls-version: " + tls.version());
    std.log("tls-cipher: " + tls.cipher());

Backend connection

The following example will report information about the backend connection. This is only available from sub vcl_backend_response.

import tls;

sub vcl_backend_response {
  if (tls.is_tls()) {
    # Report cipher and TLS version as a backend response header
    set = tls.version();
    set = tls.cipher();

    # Also log:
    std.log("backend-tls-version: " + tls.version());
    std.log("backend-tls-cipher: " + tls.cipher());



BOOL is_tls()

Indicates whether the peer is connected over an SSL/TLS connection.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Bool

Restricted to: client, vcl_backend_response, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


STRING version()

Returns the TLS version in use for this connection. E.g. “TLSv1.2”.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, vcl_backend_response, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


STRING ja3()

Returns the ja3 fingerprint for this connection if the tls_ja3 parameter has been enabled. MD5 fingerprint can be calculated using digest.hash_md5(tls.ja3());

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String


STRING cipher()

Returns the cipher that was chosen during the TLS handshake.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, vcl_backend_response, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


STRING authority()

Returns the hostname presented for Server Name Indication (SNI).

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, vcl_backend_response, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


STRING alpn()

Returns the result of the Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN). This will contain one of “http/1.1”, “h2” or NULL if no ALPN happened.

Varnish does not currently do ALPN with its backends, so if used in vcl_backend_response this will always return NULL.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, vcl_backend_response, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


STRING cert_sign()

Certificate signature algorithm. E.g. “SHA256”.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, vcl_backend_response, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


STRING cert_key()

The algorithm used to generate the certificate. E.g. “RSA2048”.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, vcl_backend_response, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


BOOL client_verified()

Returns True if client provided a certificate and the certificate verification succeded.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Bool

Restricted to: client


STRING client_cert()

If the client provided a certificate, this will return the subject name of that certificate. Otherwise returns NULL if no client certificate was provided.

This function may also be used in vcl_backend_response where it will return the subject name of the client certificate for the current backend connection, if any.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: client, vcl_backend_response, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


The tls VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.6r5 and later.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203