Varnish Enterprise

Introduction Installation Upgrading Troubleshooting Changelog Changelog for 6.0.x Changes (Varnish Cache 4.1) Changes (Varnish Cache Plus 4.1) Known Issues Features Backend SSL/TLS Client SSL/TLS termination Cluster In-Process TLS MSE 4 Basic Configuration / Getting Started Configuration Persisted caching Categories Configuration Reference MSE 3.0 Settings mkfs.mse Memory Governor MSE 2.0 NUMA Parallel ESI Backend health counter HTTP/2 Support JSON Logging TCP Only Probes Timeouts Transit Buffer Varnish scoreboard VMODs Accept Accounting ACL (aclplus) ActiveDNS Akamai Connector ASN Module AWS VCL Body Access & Transformation (xbody) Brotli Cookie Plus (cookieplus) DeviceAtlas DeviceAtlas3 Digest Dynamic backends (goto) Edgestash File Format Geolocation (geoip/mmdb) Header Manipulation (headerplus) HTTP communication (http) Image JSON parsing (json) JWT Key value storage (kvstore) Least connections director (leastconn) Module to control the built-in HTTP2 transport (h2) MSE control (mse) MSE4 control (mse4) Probe Proxy ProxyV2 TLV Attribute Extraction (proxy) Pseudo Random Number Generator Purge (purge/softpurge) Real-time Status (rtstatus) Reverse DNS (resolver) Rewrite S3 VMOD Session Slicer SQLite3 Stale Standard (std) Stat (Prometheus) Strings (str) Synthetic backends (synthbackend) Tag-based invalidation (Ykey/Xkey) TCP configuration (tcp) TLS Total Encryption (crypto) Unified director object (udo) Uniform Resource Identifier (uri) Unix Socket Utilities (unix) URL Plus (urlplus) Utils Vsthrottle

Pseudo Random Number Generator


The prng (Pseudo Random Number Generator) VMOD provides a mechanism to generate synthetic responses made of pseudo-random bytes.

The functions prng.fast_random_backend() and prng.zeros_backend() both return backend objects which can be assigned to the bereq.backend variable, and the result is that a synthetic response is generated in place of fetching a response from an external source.

For now, these functions simply take a size as an argument, and the result is a backend which returns that exact number of bytes of either pseudo random or “null” bytes. In the future, there might be other algorithms for creating pseudo random bytes.

Note that, if the size is very large, trying to cache the object will cause other objects to be evicted and potentially even crash Varnish. For this reason you should not cache large fetches and also enable the transit buffer.

If a randomized size is needed, use utils.fast_random_int() to select the size, for example like this:

set bereq.backend = prng.fast_random_backend(100 + utils.fast_random_int(100));

The example above will make the size be in the range from 100 to 199 (inclusive).



BACKEND fast_random_backend(INT size)

Returns a backend which will synthesize size psudo random bytes in a response.

A cryptographically weak pseudo random generator is used to generate the bytes. Currently it is using the same algorithm as utils.fast_random(), but this can be changed without notice at any time. Do not, under any circumstances, use this as a source of randomness for security applications.

The size parameter must be non-negative. If size is zero, then an empty response with a status code of 200 is produced.


  • size accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: Backend


BACKEND zeros_backend(INT size)

Returns a backend which will synthesize size “null” bytes in a response.

The size parameter must be non-negative. If size is zero, then an empty response with a status code of 200 is produced.


  • size accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: Backend


The first version of this VMOD was made available in Varnish Enterprise 6.0.12r7

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203