Varnish Enterprise



The utils vmod is a VMOD for useful functions that don’t require their own VMOD.



STRING newline()

Return a string consisting of a newline escape sequence, \n.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String


STRING time_format(STRING format, BOOL local_time = 0, [TIME time])

Format the time according to format. This is an interface for strftime.


  • format accepts type STRING

  • local_time accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0 optional

  • time accepts type TIME

Type: Function

Returns: String


VOID fast_304()

Perform a fast 304 insert. This revalidates the stale objects instead of performing the HTTP standard’s complicated rules (see and for calculating new headers. When fast_304() is not used, the standard requires Varnish to create a new object with new headers, where most use cases are better off with simply revalidating the existing objects.

A fast_304 will conduct a simple book update, whereas a normal 304 will perform a full copy of the object payload. For big objects, this represents a potentially very significant reduction in IO cost and it is strongly recommended to use fast_304 when using MSE.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response


BOOL is_fast_304()

Was a fast 304 performed.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Bool

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response


BOOL was_max_conn()

This function can only be called in sub vcl_backend_error. Returns true if the reason that we are in sub vcl_backend_error is, in fact, that the selected backend’s maximum connections was reached when a new connection was requested.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Bool

Restricted to: vcl_backend_error


STRING vcl_name()

The name of the current VCL.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String


OBJECT dyn_probe([STRING url], [STRING request], [BOOL tcponly], [INT expected_response], [DURATION timeout], [DURATION interval], [INT initial], [INT window], [INT threshold], [BOOL expect_close])

Create a dynamic probe in vcl_init. The advantage of creating a probe this way is that any of the probe attributes can be determined at VCL load time, for example from environment variables. If not set, the attributes have the same default values as regular probes, and are subject to the same restrictions.

The configured probe can be retrieved with .probe(), and can optionally be further customized at request time with .probe_custom.


  • url accepts type STRING

  • request accepts type STRING

  • tcponly accepts type BOOL

  • expected_response accepts type INT

  • timeout accepts type DURATION

  • interval accepts type DURATION

  • initial accepts type INT

  • window accepts type INT

  • threshold accepts type INT

  • expect_close accepts type BOOL

Type: Object

Returns: Object.


PROBE .probe()

Get the probe specified during the creation of the object.


import utils;
import goto;

sub vcl_init {
  # Get the probe URL from an environment variable
  new dyn_probe = utils.dyn_probe(std.getenv("PROBE_URL"));

  # Create a dynamic backend with the above probe
  new goto_dir = goto.dns_director("", probe = dyn_probe.probe());

Arguments: None

Type: Method

Returns: Probe


PROBE .probe_custom(STRING url, [STRING header1], [STRING header2], [STRING header3], [STRING header4], [STRING header5], [STRING header6], [STRING header7], [STRING header8], [STRING header9], [STRING header10])

Create or reuse a custom probe. The probe will inherit the attributes set at the creation of this object, with the exception of the url, request, and tcponly. The probe request will instead be generated based on the arguments given to this method.

The memory allocated to custom probes will be held for the lifetime of the VCL they are created in, and is only released once the VCL is discarded. The dyn_probe object has an internal cache to reuse custom probe definitions, so calling this method multiple times with the same arguments will not consume extra memory. Each unique custom probe definition will consume about 120 bytes plus the length of the generated request string.


import utils;
import goto;

sub vcl_init {
  # Create a dynamic probe
  new dyn_probe = utils.dyn_probe("/health");

sub vcl_backend_fetch {
  # Create a custom probe with the same Host header as the backend fetch
  set bereq.backend = goto.dns_backend(bereq.http.Host, probe = dyn_probe.probe_custom("/health", "Host: " + bereq.http.Host, "Connection: close"));


  • url accepts type STRING

  • header1 accepts type STRING

  • header2 accepts type STRING

  • header3 accepts type STRING

  • header4 accepts type STRING

  • header5 accepts type STRING

  • header6 accepts type STRING

  • header7 accepts type STRING

  • header8 accepts type STRING

  • header9 accepts type STRING

  • header10 accepts type STRING

Type: Method

Returns: Probe


INT mod(INT a, INT b)

Return the result of a mod b, or triggers an error if b is 0. Be aware that if a or b is negative, the output may be negative.


  • a accepts type INT

  • b accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: Int


REAL fast_random(REAL lo, REAL hi)

Returns a pseudo random real number between lo and hi. This is a drop-in replacement for std.random(), but with a much higher focus on speed. Like std.random(), this should not be used for cryptographical applications.

set beresp.http.random-number = utils.fast_random(1, 100);


  • lo accepts type REAL

  • hi accepts type REAL

Type: Function

Returns: Real


INT fast_random_int(INT m)

When m is a positive number, returns a quasi random integer between 0 and m-1 (inclusive). If m is zero or negative, a random INT is returned, which can be either positive or negative.

set beresp.http.random-int = 1 + utils.fast_random_int(3);

After the above, the header random-int will be “1”, “2” or “3”.


  • m accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: Int


VOID vcp_vfp_reset()

Clear out any configured VDP VFPs

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: backend


INT bitwise_and(INT a, INT b)

Performs bitwise and operation.


  • a accepts type INT

  • b accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: Int


INT bitwise_or(INT a, INT b)

Performs bitwise or operation.


  • a accepts type INT

  • b accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: Int


INT bitwise_xor(INT a, INT b)

Performs bitwise xor operation.


  • a accepts type INT

  • b accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: Int


STRING bytes2string(BYTES b, ENUM {B, KB, MB, GB, TB} unit = B)

Converts the bytes b to string. unit determines the unit the converted string should be.

set req.http.size = utils.bytes2string(10000KB, GB);


  • b accepts type BYTES

  • unit is an ENUM that accepts values of B, KB, MB, GB, and TB with a default value of B optional

Type: Function

Returns: String


BACKEND resolve_backend([BACKEND be])

Resolve the effective backend from bereq.backend, or the supplied argument be if present. Only directors can resolve to a different backend, and only from a backend subroutine.


  • be accepts type BACKEND

Type: Function

Returns: Backend

Restricted to: backend, vcl_pipe, vcl_connect


INT backend_misses()

How many times an uncacheable object has been looked up within the ttl. Can only be called in backend subroutines.

Insert an object on the second miss. This reduces expensive cache churn on long tail content.

import utils;

sub vcl_backend_response {
  if (!utils.waitinglist() && utils.backend_misses() == 0) {
    set beresp.uncacheable = true;
    set beresp.ttl = 24h;

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Int

Restricted to: backend


BOOL waitinglist()

Return true if there are clients on this object’s waitinglist.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Bool

Restricted to: backend


VOID hash_ignore_vary(BOOL flag = 1)

Set the flag to disable vary header checks during lookup. When the flag is omitted, variants are ignored. Proceed with caution, ignoring vary headers could lead to inconsistent deliveries and depending on how they are used by the origin server, security vulnerabilities. When in doubt, don’t use it.

DEPRECATED: use the req.hash_ignore_vary flag directly.


  • flag accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1 optional

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client


VOID base64_encode(ENUM {STD, URL} alphabet = STD, BOOL pad = 1, BYTES buffer_size = 32768)


  • pad accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1 optional

  • buffer_size accepts type BYTES with a default value of 32768 optional

  • alphabet is an ENUM that accepts values of STD, and URL with a default value of STD optional

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response


INT cpu_id()

Returns the current CPU id. For older operating systems not running on an x86_64 CPU where the C lib does not provide getcpu, this function will return 0.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Int


INT numa_node_id()

Returns the current NUMA node id. If NUMA is not present, it will always return zero. For older operating systems not running on an x86_64 CPU where the C lib does not provide getcpu, this function will return 0.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: Int


BOOL force_fresh(BOOL flag = 1)

Force the subsequent backend fetch to happen on a fresh connection, not on a reused backend connection. This function can only be called from a backend context (ie. sub vcl_backend_*), for example from sub vcl_backend_fetch.

Setting the flag to 0 turns off the flag, which allows you to take back the previous decision about forcing a fresh connection on the next retry.


  • flag accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1 optional

Type: Function

Returns: Bool

Restricted to: backend


VOID set_pipe_timeout(DURATION timeout)

Set the pipe idle timeout. The timeout will be set for the current session only, and will silently fail if the session is not available in the current VCL sub. This function can be used for CONNECT requests too.


  • timeout accepts type DURATION

Type: Function

Returns: None


VOID apply_cache_headers()

Parse the backend response headers and set beresp.ttl, beresp.grace and beresp.keep according to them. Must be called from vcl_backend_response.

beresp.ttl will be set to a value from one of the following HTTP header fields, listed here in order of preference:

  • Cache-Control: s-maxage
  • Cache-Control: max-age
  • Expires

If neither of the above HTTP header fields are present, the default_ttl configuration applies.

beresp.grace will have its value configured from Cache-Control: stale-while-revalidate. If that is not present the default_grace configuration will be applied.

beresp.keep will have its default_keep configuration assigned.

If the response has a nonzero Age header, the object insertion timestamp will be adjusted accordingly. The consequence of this is that a configured TTL will effectively be shortened by that same amount.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error


INT hex2integer(STRING hex, INT fallback)

Converts the hexadecimal number hex to an integer. The hexadecimal number must start with 0x and is case insensitive. If conversion fails, fallback will be returned.

set req.http.integer = utils.hex2integer("0x6089F", 0);
set req.http.integer = utils.hex2integer("0x3bf8a9", 0);


  • hex accepts type STRING

  • fallback accepts type INT

Type: Function

Returns: Int


STRING lookup_file(STRING file)

Searches for file in the vcl_path used at VCL load time and returns its absolute path.


  • file accepts type STRING

Type: Function

Returns: String


VOID http_range_support(BOOL flag)

Overrides the parameter http_range_support on a per-request basis.


  • flag accepts type BOOL

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client


The utils VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.3r7 and later.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203