Varnish Enterprise



The xbody vmod provides access to request and response bodies.

On the response side, xbody is a streaming regular expression engine which allows Varnish to manipulate, capture, hash, and log body text. xbody supports full PCRE regex expressions, capture groups, and backreferences.

xbody supports two important modes: regsub and capture.

regsub performs a regular expression substitution. Any number of regsub substitutions can be done on a response body.

capture finds a pattern and then put its substitution, or value, into a JSON object which can then be queried out using VCL or included directly in an Edgestash template. Any number of capture calls can be done on a response body.

When regsub and capture are combined, Varnish can convert a dynamic and personalized response into a JSON object and Edgestash template, allowing for uncacheable content to be cached and accelerated. Please see Edgestash for more information on JSON based templating.

Note: Because xbody is a streaming regex parser, embedded use of anchors (^ and $) is not supported. Anchors can only be used as the first and last characters of your regex expression.

For assistance in creating PCRE compatible regular expressions, please use

Click here for legacy vmod_bodyaccess.


Example regsub and capture

Input (backend): This is a test!

import std;
import xbody;

sub vcl_backend_response
  xbody.regsub("test", "new string");
  xbody.regsub("\sis", " isn't");
  xbody.regsub("string", "cat");
  xbody.capture("name", "new (\w+)", "\1");

sub vcl_deliver
  std.log("Name: " + xbody.get("name"));
  std.log("Capture JSON: " + xbody.get_all());

Output (cache): This isn't a new cat!

Captures (xbody.get_all()):

  "name": "cat"

Change All Domain References

import xbody;

sub vcl_backend_response
  xbody.regsub("", "");
  xbody.regsub("", "");

Javascript CSP Nonce

import crypto;
import edgestash;
import xbody;

sub vcl_backend_response{
  if (beresp.http.Content-Type ~ "html") {
    xbody.regsub("<script>", "<script nonce={{nonce}}>");

sub vcl_deliver {
  if (edgestash.is_edgestash()) {
    set req.http.X-nonce = crypto.hex_encode(crypto.urandom(16));
    set resp.http.Content-Security-Policy = "script-src 'nonce-" + req.http.X-nonce + "'";
      "nonce":""} + req.http.X-nonce + {""


Convert a JSON response into JSONP using a callback query parameter.

import urlplus;
import xbody;

sub vcl_backend_response {
  # Insert the JSONP callback
  if (urlplus.query_get("callback") && beresp.http.Content-Type ~ "json") {
    xbody.regsub("^", urlplus.query_get("callback") + "(");
    xbody.regsub("$", ");");
    set beresp.http.Content-Type = regsub(beresp.http.Content-Type, "json", "javascript");

Personalization Caching

Cache PHP pages with personalized content. Personalized content is wrapped with an edgestash-name attribute. These attributes will be templated and delivered per session.


<span edgestash-name="greeting">
Hello [name]!

<span edgestash-name="number-items">

Content ...


import cookieplus;
import edgestash;
import xbody;
import ykey;

sub vcl_recv
  # Purge session data
  if (req.method == "POST") {
    # Broadcaster can be used to send this purge to a cluster

  if (req.method != "GET" && req.method != "HEAD") {
    return (pass);


sub vcl_hash
  # Add the session to xbody data
  if ( ~ "^xbody\.") {
    hash_data(cookieplus.get("PHPSESSID", "guest"));

sub vcl_pass
  # When you purge, you may be forced to pass
  if ( ~ "^xbody\.") {
    return (restart);

sub vcl_backend_fetch
  # Remove xbody host marker
  unset bereq.http.xbody;
  if (bereq.http.Host ~ "^xbody\.") {
    set bereq.http.Host = regsub(bereq.http.Host, "^xbody\.", "");
    set bereq.http.xbody = "true";

sub vcl_backend_response
  if (beresp.http.Content-Type ~ "text") {
    if(bereq.http.xbody) {
      # Extract xbody data, add a ykey session key
      xbody.capture("\2", {"(<[^>]*edgestash-name="?([^"\s]+)"?[^>]+>)([^>]*)<"}, "\3", "g");
      ykey.add_key(cookieplus.get("PHPSESSID", "guest"));
      set beresp.ttl = 1d;
    } else {
      # Edgestash template
      xbody.regsub({"(<[^>]*edgestash-name="?([^"\s]+)"?[^>]+>)([^>]*)<"}, "\1{{\2}}<");

sub vcl_deliver
  if (edgestash.is_edgestash()) {
    # Use the homepage as the xbody data source
    edgestash.add_json_url("/", json_host="xbody." +, xbody=true);



VOID regsub(STRING pattern, STRING substitution, STRING mode = "g", INT max = 0)

Perform a regex substitution on the response body.


  • pattern accepts type STRING

  • substitution accepts type STRING

  • mode accepts type STRING with a default value of g optional

  • max accepts type INT with a default value of 0 optional

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response


VOID capture(STRING name, STRING pattern, STRING value, STRING mode = "", INT max = 0)

Perform a regex capture on the response body. If pattern is found, value is set as the value of name. Use xbody.get() to read the value in sub vcl_deliver. When used, streaming is disabled as to allow the captured value to be safely read in sub vcl_deliver.


  • name accepts type STRING

  • pattern accepts type STRING

  • value accepts type STRING

  • mode accepts type STRING with a default value of empty. optional

  • max accepts type INT with a default value of 0 optional

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response


VOID hash_body(ENUM {md5,sha1,sha224,sha256,sha384,sha512} algorithm, STRING name = "", BOOL do_stream = 0)

Generate the hash of the response body and store it under the label name. It can then be retrieved in vcl_deliver with xbody.get_hash() using the same name

import xbody;
import crypto;

sub vcl_backend_response {
        xbody.hash_body(md5, "1");
        xbody.hash_body(sha1, "2");

sub vcl_deliver {
        set resp.http.md5 = crypto.hex_encode(xbody.get_hash("1"));
        set resp.http.sha1 = crypto.hex_encode(xbody.get_hash("2"));


  • name accepts type STRING with a default value of empty. optional

  • do_stream accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0 optional

  • algorithm is an ENUM that accepts values of md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response


BLOB get_hash(STRING name = "")

Get the hash generated with hash_body. name must match the value you used when xbody.hash_body() was called.

This function can be useful for example to generate an Etag if the backend didn’t provide one

import blob;
import xbody;

sub vcl_backend_response {
  # no etag, ask Varnish to hash the body as it receives it
  if (!beresp.http.etag) {

sub vcl_deliver {
  # set the ETag header to the hash we computed during fetching
  # surrounding with double-quote to follow the HTTP specification
  if (!resp.http.etag) {
    set resp.http.etag = {"""} + blob.encode(BASE64, DEFAULT, xbody.get_hash()) + {"""};


  • name accepts type STRING with a default value of empty. optional

Type: Function

Returns: Blob

Restricted to: vcl_deliver


VOID log_body(BYTES max = 4096)

Log the response body to the VSL (varnishlog). The Body VSL tag is used for this operation. The body logging can span multiple tag lines, this is determined by the maximum VSL record length.


  • max accepts type BYTES with a default value of 4096 optional

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response


STRING get(STRING value, STRING default = 0)

Get a capture value by name. Can only be used in sub vcl_deliver. Can be used in sub vcl_synth in combination with xbody.synth().


  • value accepts type STRING

  • default accepts type STRING with a default value of 0 optional

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth


STRING get_all()

Get all capture values as a JSON object string. Can only be used in sub vcl_deliver. Can be used in sub vcl_synth in combination with xbody.synth().

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth


VOID synth()

Allow captured JSON data to be accessible in sub vcl_synth.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_deliver


VOID set(STRING json)

Set capture values. When used, regex and capture operations are skipped. This is used to replicate xbody operations via VHA.


  • json accepts type STRING

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: vcl_backend_response


STRING get_req_body()

Get the contents of the request body. Must call std.cache_req_body() prior to this call.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: String

Restricted to: vcl_recv


BLOB get_req_body_hash(ENUM {md5,sha1,sha224,sha256,sha384,sha512} algorithm)

Generate and return the hash of the request body.


  • algorithm is an ENUM that accepts values of md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512

Type: Function

Returns: Blob

Restricted to: vcl_recv


VOID reset()

Reset the internal state.

Arguments: None

Type: Function

Returns: None

Restricted to: client, backend


The xbody VMOD is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.1r1 and later.

®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203