The ykey
vmod adds secondary keys to objects, allowing fast
purging on all objects with this key. This VMOD provides the user
interface for integration into the VCL configuration.
The purge operation may be hard or soft. A hard purge immediately removes the matched objects from the cache completely. A soft purge will expire the objects, but keep the objects around for their configured grace and keep timeouts (grace for stale object delivery to clients while the next fetch is in progress, and keep for conditional fetches).
The keys are managed in-core for efficient handling of many keys, and can safely handle purge operations on keys that span the entire cache. It also interfaces with the MSE stevedore, providing persistence of the Ykey data structure on disk for persisted caches. This makes the Ykey data immediately accessible upon restarts of Varnish, removing the need for the lengthy and I/O intensive re-evaluation of all objects and their associated keys.
To use Ykey, you need to import the ykey VMOD into your VCL
configuration. The keys to associate with an object need to be specified
specifically by calling one or more of the add key VMOD functions in
sub vcl_backend_response
The following example adds all keys listed in the backend response
header named Ykey, and a custom one for all URLs starting with /content/image/
To purge objects using Ykey, you will need to map the purge function to your VCL to invoke it. You should use e.g. ACLs to limit the purges to authorized callers. The following example creates a simple purge interface invoked as an HTTP endpoint, limited to localhost. If a header called Ykey-Purge is present, it will purge using Ykey and the keys listed in the header. If not, fall back to regular purge.
import ykey;
acl purgers { ""; }
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.method == "PURGE") {
if (client.ip !~ purgers) {
return (synth(403, "Forbidden"));
if (req.http.Ykey-Purge) {
set req.http.n-gone =
ykey.purge_header(req.http.Ykey-Purge, sep=" ");
# or for soft purge:
# set req.http.n-gone =
# ykey.purge_header(req.http.Ykey-Purge, sep=" ", soft=true);
return (synth(200, "Invalidated "+req.http.n-gone+" objects"));
} else {
return (purge);
sub vcl_backend_response {
if (bereq.url ~ "^/content/image/") {
The Ykey feature is similar in functionality to the Xkey VMOD, but is better integrated in core Varnish in order to solve several scalability issues that exist with the Xkey VMOD.
The API provided by the Ykey VMOD is not directly backwards compatible with Xkey. Due to technical limitations in the way it integrates with Varnish, Xkey had to make use of an object header with a magic name (xkey, or for historical reasons X-HashTwo) to list the keys to associate with an object. This method was cumbersome to use, especially when needing to amend the list of keys provided from the backend in VCL. Ykey instead requires the keys to associate with an object to be specified in VCL, and provides functions to add each key of a backend header in one go.
Another shortcoming in Xkey that has been addressed, is how to separate individual key strings from headers. Xkey would always split strings on whitespace. In Ykey the way to split strings is configurable, and defaults to splitting on commas and whitespace, which matches better with common headers.
The following VCL example provides an Xkey backwards compatibility snippet that can be integrated into your VCL to quickly start using Ykey by adding the keys from the magic Xkey headers (xkey and X-HashTwo), keeping with Xkey’s method of separating strings.
import ykey;
sub vcl_backend_response {
# Add keys by the xkey backend response header
ykey.add_header(beresp.http.xkey, sep=" ");
ykey.add_header(beresp.http.X-HashTwo, sep=" ");
VOID add_key(STRING key)
Adds the key
to the list of keys associated with the object being fetched.
accepts type STRINGType: Function
Returns: None
Restricted to: vcl_backend_response
, vcl_backend_error
VOID add_keys(STRING keys, STRING sep = ", ")
Splits the string keys into individual elements, separated by characters from the string sep, and adds each of them to the list of keys associated with the object being fetched.
accepts type STRING
accepts type STRING with a default value of ,
Type: Function
Returns: None
Restricted to: vcl_backend_response
, vcl_backend_error
VOID add_hashed_keys(STRING keys, STRING sep = ", ")
Splits the string keys into individual elements, separated by characters from the string sep, and adds each of them to the list of keys associated with the object being fetched, with the assumption they are already hashed.
accepts type STRING
accepts type STRING with a default value of ,
Type: Function
Returns: None
Restricted to: vcl_backend_response
, vcl_backend_error
VOID add_header(HEADER hdr, STRING sep = ", ")
Find all headers named hdr, and do an add_keys operation using the specified separator sep on each of them.
accepts type HEADER
accepts type STRING with a default value of ,
Type: Function
Returns: None
Restricted to: vcl_backend_response
, vcl_backend_error
VOID add_hashed_header(HEADER hdr, STRING sep = ", ")
Find all headers named hdr, and do an add_hashed_keys operation using the specified separator sep on each of them.
accepts type HEADER
accepts type STRING with a default value of ,
Type: Function
Returns: None
Restricted to: vcl_backend_response
, vcl_backend_error
VOID add_blob(BLOB blob)
Adds a key by hashing the bytes described by blob.
accepts type BLOBType: Function
Returns: None
Restricted to: vcl_backend_response
, vcl_backend_error
INT purge(STRING key, BOOL soft = 0)
Purge the cache of all objects that have the association key key on them. If soft is true, the purge will be a soft purge, setting ttl to zero, but leaving grace and keep as is. The return value is the number of objects that were affected by the operation.
accepts type STRING
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0
Type: Function
Returns: Int
REAL stat_real(STRING key, ENUM {count,expired,not_on_lru,bodylen,hits,ttl,grace,keep,origin,eviction,last_lru} type, ENUM {sum,min,avg,stdev,pstdev,max} which = sum, INT idx = -1, INT limit = 0, INT offset = 0, BOOL expired = 0, BOOL reuse = 1)
accepts type STRING
accepts type INT with a default value of empty. optional
accepts type INT with a default value of 0
accepts type INT with a default value of 0
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1
is an ENUM that accepts values of count
, expired
, not_on_lru
, bodylen
, hits
, ttl
, grace
, keep
, origin
, eviction
, and last_lru
is an ENUM that accepts values of sum
, min
, avg
, stdev
, pstdev
, and max
with a default value of sum
Type: Function
Returns: Real
INT stat_int(STRING key, ENUM {count,expired,not_on_lru,bodylen,hits,ttl,grace,keep,origin,eviction,last_lru} type, ENUM {sum,min,avg,stdev,pstdev,max} which = sum, INT idx = -1, INT limit = 0, INT offset = 0, BOOL expired = 0, BOOL reuse = 1)
These functions are experimental. This means that they can change without explicit notice if the developers decide that it will improve the overall design and function of Ykey stat functions.
The functions stat_real
and stat_int
both gather
statistics on objects in the cache with the key key
, but
differ in the return type. The first returns a real (floating
point) number, while the latter returns an integer.
Since these functions give out information about the contents of the cache, it is strongly recommended to restrict their access somehow, for example through using ACLs, to make sure this information does not leak to third parties.
The statistics for a given key is cached during the processing
of a request, so only the first call will carry out the work
of gathering the statistics. Subsequent calls with the same
in the same request will simply look up a value and return it.
The caching can be disabled by specifying reuse=0
, but this
discouraged since gathering stats for a key comes with a cost.
The cost increases with the number of objects with the key.
The parameters type
and which
, described in more detail
below, determines what is returned and how the return value
should be interpreted. For example, for a given key
, you can
get the sum of the body lengths of all of the the objects with
the key by specifying type=bodylen
and which=sum
The statistics are approximate in the sense that objects which
are on their way in or out of the cache at the time when
or stat_int
is called, might or might not be
included in the statistics. However, each object is either
fully accounted for, or not accounted for in the
statistics. Due to the caching of statistics, you can call
with the same key
many times in a single
transaction, and each call will return statistics for the same
set of objects.
The parameter expired
gives you control over how objects
which has been purged, but not left the cache, are
accounted. In normal circumstances, these objects will leave
the cache very soon after the purge, and then the value of the
parameter will not matter much. However, in situations where
heavy purging is going on, specifying expired=1
the default expired=0
) will gather statistics which include
such objects. Changing this parameter between different calls
within the same transaction will invalidate the cache and
force Ykey to gather the statistics for the key again.
Objects which have not yet made it to the Least Recently Used list, are never accounted. Such objects include objects that have not been fully fetched, and MSE objects which have been not been requested since they were loaded from a persisted store.
The type
parameter selects what aspect of the objects with
the given key are considered. It can have the following values:
- the number of objects in the set. When this is selected, the parameter which
is ignored. When the parameter expired
is left at its default value 0
, the count
will not include the expired objects
- the number of expired objects in the set (recently purged) . The parameter which
is ignored. When the expired
parameter is at its default value 0
, this count will be the number of expired objects which are not a part of the rest of the statistics.
- the number of objects not on the LRU. The parameter which
is ignored.
- the body length of the object in the set.
- the number of cache hits on the object in the set.
- the TTL of the object in the set. This is not to be confused with the variable obj.ttl
in sub vcl_hit
), which refers to the remaining TTL of the hit object.
- the grace of the object in the set.
- the keep of the object in the set.
- the time for when the object was inserted by the stevedore.
- the time for when the object is expected to leave the cache.
- the time for when the object was last successfully delivered to a client.
The which
parameter specifies which statistical property of
the data set is returned:
- the accumulated sum for a given type
- the minimum value for a given type
- the average value for a given type
- the sample standard deviation for a given type
. If there are less than two data points, -1 is returned.
- the population standard deviation for a given type
- the maximum value for a given type
One may supply an index, idx
, to retrieve stat for a given
object in the set, rather than a summary of all objects in the
set. Note that when idx
is set, the value of which
ignored and the value of count
, expired
and not_on_lru
is not defined.
In order to index objects both the limit
and offset
parameter is required. The limit
sets the size of the bucket
for how many objects we want to index, whereas offset
the base index. idx
is therefore a value in this interval:
, min(count
- offset
, offset
+ limit
)]. Note
that the cached copy will be invalidated if the newly provided
interval is outside of the previous provided interval.
accepts type STRING
accepts type INT with a default value of empty. optional
accepts type INT with a default value of 0
accepts type INT with a default value of 0
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1
is an ENUM that accepts values of count
, expired
, not_on_lru
, bodylen
, hits
, ttl
, grace
, keep
, origin
, eviction
, and last_lru
is an ENUM that accepts values of sum
, min
, avg
, stdev
, pstdev
, and max
with a default value of sum
Type: Function
Returns: Int
INT stat_flag(STRING key, ENUM {hfm,hfp} type, INT idx = -1, INT limit = 0, INT offset = 0, BOOL expired = 0, BOOL reuse = 1)
This function is experimental. This means that it can change without explicit notice if the developers decide that it will improve the overall design and function of Ykey stat functions.
The function stat_flag
returns the accumulated sum of the
flags associated with the objects wit the given key
. If
is specified, then the return value is just a boolean.
- is the object Hit-for-Miss?
- is the object Hit-for-Pass?
See stat_real()
for details on the other parameters.
accepts type STRING
accepts type INT with a default value of empty. optional
accepts type INT with a default value of 0
accepts type INT with a default value of 0
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1
is an ENUM that accepts values of hfm
, and hfp
Type: Function
Returns: Int
STRING stat_header(STRING key, INT idx, INT limit = 0, INT offset = 0, BOOL expired = 0, BOOL reuse = 1, STRING delim = " ")
This function is experimental. This means that it can change without explicit notice if the developers decide that it will improve the overall design and function of Ykey stat functions.
The function stat_header
returns the HTTP headers associated
with the object. The headers are delimited by default using spaces, but
this can be changed using the delim
See stat_real()
for details on the parameters.
accepts type STRING
accepts type INT
accepts type INT with a default value of 0
accepts type INT with a default value of 0
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 1
accepts type STRING with a default value of
Type: Function
Returns: String
INT purge_keys(STRING keys, STRING sep = ", ", BOOL soft = 0)
Split the string keys using the separator sep, and do a purge on each of them (soft purge if soft is true). The return value is the number of objects that were affected by the operation.
accepts type STRING
accepts type STRING with a default value of ,
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0
Type: Function
Returns: Int
INT purge_header(HEADER hdr, STRING sep = ", ", BOOL soft = 0)
Finds all headers named hdr, and do a purge_keys operation using the separator sep on each of them. The return value is the number of objects affected by the operation.
accepts type HEADER
accepts type STRING with a default value of ,
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0
Type: Function
Returns: Int
INT purge_blob(BLOB blob, BOOL soft = 0)
Purge the objects associated with the key described by hashing blob. The return value is the number of objects affected by the operation.
accepts type BLOB
accepts type BOOL with a default value of 0
Type: Function
Returns: Int
STRING get_hashed_keys(STRING sep = ",")
Gets all the hashed keys added to an object and returns them as string separated by sep.
accepts type STRING with a default value of ,
Type: Function
Returns: String
Restricted to: vcl_hit
, vcl_deliver
VOID namespace(STRING namespace)
Makes all Ykey calls after this to be namespaced to the provided namespace for the duration of the client/backend. It is required that this is called in both the backend request and client request if you want everything to be namespaced. Calling with a empty or NULL namespace will do nothing.
accepts type STRINGType: Function
Returns: None
VOID namespace_reset()
Removes the namespace if one is present.
Arguments: None
Type: Function
Returns: None
The ykey
vmod is available in Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.2r1
and later.