Varnish Controller

vcli agent stats

Show statistics for agents


Show statistics for one or more agents. The statistics shown are the filtered statistics that each agent has been configured to filter on.

vcli agent stats [-f] [flags]


  -a, --aggregation string      Level of aggregated data (1m, 10m, 1h, 1d, 1mo)
  -f, --filter stringToString   Filter based on attributes, '*' act as wildcard (default [])
  -h, --help                    help for stats
      --raw                     Raw API output
  -v, --verbose                 Verbose output with extra information

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string   configuration file for the CLI (default ~/.vcli.yml)
                        Could also be set via VARNISH_CONTROLLER_CLI_CONFIG=/path/to/config.yml
      --csv             Output the response table as CSV format.
  -j, --json            Output the response table as JSON format.


®Varnish Software, Wallingatan 12, 111 60 Stockholm, Organization nr. 556805-6203