The CLI examples are not a complete list of all available commands but lists the most common ones.
The first command for the CLI is to specify an API-GW endpoint to use. This is saved in a CLI configuration file and does not have to be executed again unless the location of the API-GW has changed.
# Example where API-GW runs on localhost port 8002 and login with user 'test' to organization 'myorg'
vcli login http://localhost:8002 -u test -o myorg
Password: ****
# Or using environment variables
vcli login
# Specify password using a password file
# The password file should contain the password in clear text on the
# first line in the file.
# Create two new tags (system admin)
vcli tags add myTag1 myTag2
# List all tags
vcli tags ls
# List all tags with matching name (using filter)
vcli tags ls -f "name=*my*"
# Modify tag name for tag with ID 1 (system admin)
vcli tags update 1 --name myNewName
# Delete a tag by id (cannot be assigned to agent/deployments or it will fail) (system admin)
vcli tags delete 1
# List all agents
vcli agent ls
# List all agents matching name
vcli agents ls -f "name=*server*"
# Assign tag ID 2 to agents with ID 1 and 2 (tags that was created earlier) (system admin)
vcli agents tags 1,2 --tags 2
# Assign tag ID 2 to all agents matching filter (system admin)
vcli agents tags -f "name=*server*" --tags 2
# Delete all tags from an agent with ID 1 (system admin)
vcli agents tags 1 --clear
# Inspect agent with ID 1 as JSON
vcli agent i 1
# List all routers
vcli router ls
# Assign tags to router
vcli routers tags 1 --tags 2
# Debug information for router with ID 1
vcli router debug 1
# List health check status for routers
vcli router health
# Perform a routing trace for a given IP for a configured domain
vcli router trace
# List routing rules
vcli rr ls
# Create a new routing rule with some specified options
vcli rr add test --lookup-order=geoip,random,external --dns --http --debug-headers=true
# Update existing routing rule
vcli rr u 1 --lookup-order=geoip,random
# Delete routing rule with ID 1 (that is not in use)
vcli rr delete 1
# List external routes
vcli ers ls
# Create a new external route (that can be used with RoutingRules - "external")
vcli ers add cdn1 --base-url http://mycdn.tld --weight 1 --ipv4 --health-status 200 --health-interval 1s --health-method GET --health-threshold 3 --health-window-size 5 --health-path /
# Delete existing external route with ID 1
vcli ers delete 1
# List ASN routes
vcli asnroutes ls
# Create a new ASN route with ASNs connected to a tag with ID 1. Set leastutilized as subdecision.
vcli asnroutes add myASNRoute --asn-to-tag=237:1,238:1 --subdecision=leastutilized
# Update existing ASN route with another tag ID
vcli asnroutes update 1 --asn-to-tag=237:1,238:2
# Update existing ASN route with another tag and use weight(~) as decision.
vcli asnroutes update 1 --asn-to-tag=237:1~1,238:2~2 --subdecision=weight
# Delete ASN route with ID 1 (that is not in use)
vcli asnroutes delete 1
# List CIDR routes
vcli cidrroutes ls
# Create a new CIDR route with CIDR connected to a tag with ID 1. Set leastutilized as subdecision.
vcli cidrroutes add myCIDRRoute --cidr-to-tag= --subdecision=leastutilized
# Update existing CIDR route with an other tag ID.
vcli cidrroutes update 1 --cidr-to-tag=
# Update existing CIDR route with another tag and use weight(~) as decision.
vcli cidrroutes update 1 --cidr-to-tag=, --subdecision=weight
# Delete CIDR route with ID 1 (that is not in use)
vcli cidrroutes delete 1
# List Geolocation routes
vcli geolocationroutes ls
# Find suggestions on geolocations
vcli geolocationroutes suggestions Swe
# Create a new Geolocation route with Geolocation connected to a tag with ID 1. Set leastutilized as subdecision.
vcli geolocationroutes add myGeoRoute --geolocation-to-tag=Sweden:1 --subdecision=leastutilized
# Create a new Geolocation route with a geolocation name that's not unique.
# London as a city exists in multiple countries, add Geoname ID to specify which London that's
# intended. Geoname ID can be found by the 'vcli geolocationroutes suggestions' call.
vcli geolocationroutes add myGeoRoute --geolocation-to-tag=London:2643743:1
# Update existing Geolocation route with another tag ID.
vcli geolocationroutes update 1 --geolocation-to-tag=London:2643743:2
# Update existing Geolocation route with two tag ID's and use weight as subdecision
vcli geolocationroutes update 1 --geolocation-to-tag=London:2643743:1~1,London:2643743:2~2 --subdecision=weight
# Delete Geolocation route with ID 1 (that is not in use)
vcli geolocationroutes delete 1
# Create a new domain
vcli domains add
# List all domains
vcli domains ls
# List all domains matching FQDN
vcli domains ls -f "fqdn=*example*"
# Modify a domain
vcli domains update 1 --fqdn
# Create and upload a new VCL (filename here is myvcl.vcl and is a file in current directory)
vcli file add test.vcl myvcl.vcl
# List all VCLs
vcli file ls
# List all VCLs with verbose output
vcli file ls -v
# Edit an existing VCL (you will be asked to upload it after you save)
vcli file edit 1
# Remove an VCL by ID
vcli file delete 1
# Discard your draft of the VCL
vcli file discard 1
# Diff your draft and deployed source
vcli file diff 1
# Create and upload a new file (filename here is index.html and is a file in current directory)
vcli files add test.html index.html
# List all files
vcli files ls
# List all files with verbose output
vcli files ls -v
# Edit an existing file (you will be asked to upload it after you save)
vcli files edit 1
# Remove an file by ID
vcli files delete 1
# Discard your draft of the file
vcli files discard 1
# Diff your draft and deployed source
vcli files diff 1
# Create a new deployment with name myDep with max instances 2 and minimum 1
# and assign the tag with ID 2 and 3 to it.
vcli deployments add myDep --max 2 --min 1 --tags 2,3
# List all deployments
vcli deployments ls
# Delete an existing deployment
vcli deployments delete 1
This feature is only supported from version 6.2.0.
# Deploy VCLGroup with ID 1 and wait max 60 seconds.
vcli vg deploy 1 -w 60s
# Wait max 30sec and each VG must be deployed to at least 50% of matching servers.
vcli vg deploy 1,2 -w 30s -p 50
# Same as above, but without interactive output (JSON instead)
vcli vg deploy 1,2 -w 30s -j
# Create a new VCLGroup with name myName using deployment with ID 2, domain with ID 1
# and VCL with ID 2
vcli vg add myName --dep 2 --dom 1 --vcl 2
# Updating a VCLGroup and removing all included VCLs / files.
vcli vg update 1 --clear-inc
# List all VCLGroups
vcli vg ls
# Deploy a VCLGroup
vcli vg deploy 1
# Rollback a VCLGroup
vcli vg rollback 1
# Reload a VCLGroup
vcli vg reload 1
# Stage a VCLGroup on agents matching tag ID 1 and use the VCL with ID 1
# (Note that wer are using VCLGroup ID 1, the VCLGroup we want to stage.)
vcli vg stage 1 --vcl 1 --tags 1
# Delete staged VCLGroup (note that we are using VCLGroup ID 1)
vcli vg delstage 1
# Promote previously staged VCLGroup (Note that we once again refer to VCLGroup ID 1)
vcli vg promote 1
# Undeploy a VCLGroup
vcli vg undeploy 1
# Delete existing VCLGroup (must be undeployed)
vcli vg delete 1
# List all API logs
vcli apilogs ls
# Filter out a particular resource and ID
vcli apilogs ls -f "keyId=1&keyType=Agent"
# List all tags sorted by name
vcli tags ls -fsort=name
# List all tags sorted by id in descending order
vcli tags ls -fsort=id:desc
# List first 3 tags
vcli tags ls -ftake=3
# List 4 tags after offset = 3
vcli tags ls -ftake=4,3
See authorization examples for examples of organization, permissions and account handling.