Handle invalidation
Handle invalidation of content.
The file with paths to invalidate must be separated one path per line in the given file.
Domains can be specified either by ID (-d id=1,2,3) or by FQDN (-d fqdn=example.com,example2.com).
Tags can be specified with id (-t id=1) or with name (-t name=prod). Defining sequence order based on tags can be done with multiple flags(-t name=sandbox -t name=staging -t name=production_east,production_west)
vcli inv list
vcli inv list -f created_at="*2020-04*"
vcli inv new -H myheader=value -m PURGE -f paths.txt -d fqdn=example.com -t name=edge -t name=storage
vcli inv delete 1
vcli inv inspect 1
vcli inv errors 1
vcli inv basic --domain example.com --attempt-ttl 3s --retries 3 --path /img.png
-h, --help help for invalidation
-c, --config string configuration file for the CLI (default ~/.vcli.yml)
Could also be set via VARNISH_CONTROLLER_CLI_CONFIG=/path/to/config.yml
--csv Output the response table as CSV format.
-j, --json Output the response table as JSON format.