Varnish Controller

vcli agent

Handle agents


Handle agent related tasks. Listing, adding tags, view metrics etc.


vcli agent inspect 1
vcli agent list
vcli agent list -f name="server*"
vcli agent tags 1,2 -t 1,2
vcli agent tags -t 1,2 -f name="server*"
vcli agent tags 1,2 --clear
vcli agent certificate 1,2 --cert 1
vcli agent certificate 1,2 --clear
vcli agent metrics 1
vcli agent stats -v
vcli agent delete 1
vcli agent stop-routing -f id=1
vcli agent resume-routing -f id=1
vcli agent debug [agent-id]
vcli agent features 1
vcli agent transfer 1 -o 1      // Transfer to private (generated private token)
vcli agent transfer 1 -o 1 -p 2 // Transfer to private with private-token
vcli agent transfer 1 -o 0      // Transfer to system


  -h, --help   help for agent

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string   configuration file for the CLI (default ~/.vcli.yml)
                        Could also be set via VARNISH_CONTROLLER_CLI_CONFIG=/path/to/config.yml
      --csv             Output the response table as CSV format.
  -j, --json            Output the response table as JSON format.