Add new permission
Add a new permission to the organization/system. Valid permissions: vclgroup deployment org idp account file agent perm domain tag session invalidation logentry router routingrules externalroute compilevclfiles routertrace plugingrpc routingplugin privatetoken sharedtoken asnroute cidrroute regexproute rejectroute geolocationroute asntag cidrtag regexptag geolocationtag command configset config certificatetls tagroute
vcli permission add [Type] [flags]
-a, --account int Account ID
-h, --help help for add
-o, --org int Organization ID
-r, --read Read permissions
--revoke Revoke logged in sessions
-w, --write Write permissions
-y, --yes Perform operation without confirmation
-c, --config string configuration file for the CLI (default ~/.vcli.yml)
Could also be set via VARNISH_CONTROLLER_CLI_CONFIG=/path/to/config.yml
--csv Output the response table as CSV format.
-j, --json Output the response table as JSON format.